July 18-20, 2025
July 18, 2025 (Friday)
July 19, 2025 (Saturday) – 4:00am
July 20, 2025 (Sunday) – 10:00am
The 100-mile course features 17,000 feet of total ascent over approximately 68 miles of rolling dirt roads, 30 miles of horse trails, and 2 miles of pavement. There are no major climbs, but boy are there plenty of little ones!
Course Note: This course crosses over 30 pieces of private property and we only have permission to use these trails on race weekend. The VT100 also does not publish race maps and runners are not allowed to pre-run the course.
Click the 100m elevation profile below to download a PDF!
Elevation Profile Note: Exact aid stations or locations of aid stations may vary slightly by year. Be sure to refer to the current year’s aid station spreadsheet for the most accurate list/locations.
The 100-mile course is marked as follows:
- Yellow pie plates during daylight hours
- Green glow sticks at night
- A few intersections are marked with white chalk on roadway
Further details will be discussed at the pre-race briefing.
The 100-mile course features 25 aid stations.
- Stations are either unmanned, manned, and/or crew-accessible
- Unmanned stations have water and electrolyte drink only
- Manned/crew-accessible stations are fully stocked with standard aid station fare
100-mile runners must reach the finish line by 10am Sunday (30 hours)
See complete aid station list and intermediate cut-offs.
Runners without crew are permitted to send drop bags to crewed aid stations.
Please keep drop bags to a reasonable size and weight. See drop bag instructions.
Awarded at the finish line:
- All 100-mile finishers get a pair of Patagonia shorts
- All 100-mile solo finishers also get a VT100 solo cup
Awarded at the Sunday Ceremony:
- < 24-hour finishers get a LARGE belt buckle
- > 24-hour finishers get a SMALL belt buckle
Top overall finishers are recognized as:
- Top 5 men
- Top 5 women
- Top solo finishers
- Top athletes with disabilities
- Age group winners recognized: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Runner rules are fully detailed in the VT100 Runner’s Handbook.

July 18-20, 2025
July 18, 2025 (Friday)
July 19, 2025 (Saturday) – 9:00am
July 20, 2025 (Sunday) – 5:00am
The 100-kilometer course features 9,000 feet of total ascent over approximately 41 miles of rolling dirt roads, 20 miles of horse trails, and 1 mile of pavement. There are no major climbs, but boy are there plenty of little ones!
Course Note: This course crosses over 30 pieces of private property and we only have permission to use these trails on race weekend. The VT100 also does not publish race maps and runners are not allowed to pre-run the course.
Click the 100km elevation profile below to download a PDF!
Elevation Profile Note: Exact aid stations or locations of aid stations may vary slightly by year. Be sure to refer to the current year’s aid station spreadsheet for the most accurate list/locations.
The 100-kilometer course is marked as follows:
- First 5 miles = Purple pie plates
- Mile 6 on = Yellow pie plates during the day, green glow sticks at night
- A few intersections are marked with white chalk on roadway
Further details will be discussed at the pre-race briefing.
The 100-kilometer course features 16 aid stations.
- Stations are either unmanned, manned, and/or crew-accessible
- Unmanned stations have water and electrolyte drink only
- Manned/crew-accessible stations are fully stocked with standard aid station fare
100-kilometer runners must reach the finish line by 10am Sunday (25 hours)
See complete aid station list and intermediate cut-offs.
Runners without crew are permitted to send drop bags to crewed aid stations.
Please keep drop bags to a reasonable size and weight. See drop bag instructions.
Awarded at the finish line:
- All 100-kilometer finishers get a pair of Patagonia shorts
- All 100-kilometer solo finishers also get a VT100 solo cup
Awarded at the Sunday Ceremony:
- All 100-kilometer finishers get a custom horseshoe
Top overall finishers are recognized as:
- Top 3 men
- Top 3 women
- Top solo finishers
- Top athletes with disabilities
Age group winners recognized: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Runner rules are fully detailed in the VT100 Runner’s Handbook.

100-mile and 100-kilometer runners may have pacers after their second pass through aid station Camp 10 Bear.
Camp 10 Bear second pass is approximately mile 70 for the 100-mile runners and approximately mile 32 for the 100-kilometer runners.
Crews may only assist their runner at designated crewed aid stations.
Complete pacer and crew rules are included in the VT100 Runner’s Handbook.
Please submit your information if you would like VT100 to help you find a pacer.
Please submit your information if you would like to help pace a VT100 runner.
100-mile and 100-kilometer solo runners do not use a crew or pacers. They rely only on drop bags and aid stations (and fellow competitors) for support.
Complete solo rules are included in the VT100 Runner’s Handbook.

Below are the details of the Vermont 100 medical/first aid process:
- Runners WILL NOT undergo a quick medical check-in on Friday during registration
- Runners WILL NOT need to check-in with medical personnel during the race
- Runners WILL be responsible for their own healthy, safety, and well being throughout the event
- Vermont 100 will provide first aid-level care only. There will be first aid kits at every manned aid station, and first aid volunteers at Camp 10 Bear, Bill’s, and Start/Finish.
- There will be an ambulance with EMTs at the start/finish area for runners who need a higher level of care. Any treatment or ambulance ride is at the cost of the runner (or their medical insurance) and not the event.

VT100 does everything it can to make your weekend unforgettable – from the prep, to the food, to the race itself.
See the day-by-day essentials below and check out the VT100 Runner’s Handbook for more information.
FRIDAY (*May be updated as race approaches)
Arrivals, registration, bib pick-up, runner’s expo, *pre-race briefing, buffet dinner, movie screening, and camping.
11:00am – VT100 site camping opens
11:00am – 3:30pm – Runner’s Expo – All registered runners must check in, collect their race bib, and drop any drop bags.
4:15pm – MANDATORY pre-race meeting for all participants. Crews and pacers encouraged to attend also.
5:00pm – 7:00pm – Dinner is served!
The race is on!
4am start for 100-milers
9am start for 100-km.
10:00am – Race course closes.
10:30am – Awards, celebration and post-race meal.

VT100 offers FREE tent camping on-site for all participants and their crew/pacers. You get what you pay for, as this is simply a few blades of grass for your tent, and portapotties on the edge of the field. Unfortunately, we do not have the space (or solid ground) for RVs or Camper Vans.
There are plenty of off-site hotels, bed and breakfasts, campgrounds, and AirBnB accommodations within a drivable radius of the VT100 start/finish.
Search Google for results in: West Windsor VT, Ascutney VT, White River Junction VT, Woodstock VT, and Lebanon NH.

- Directions to Silver Hill Meadow – Google Doc
- Directions to Silver Hill Meadow – Google Maps
- Crew Directions to aid stations – See VT100 Runner’s Handbook
- Crews must follow the driving directions provided
- Race permits specify that certain roadways are off-limits to race traffic
- GPS often directs vehicles down impassible class IV roadways
- Provided VT100 directions avoid impassible class IV roadways
- Directions to stores en route – Google Maps