2021 Vermont 100 – COVID Updates
Updated: March 17, 2021 (scroll down)
Due to COVID, unknowns remain about the 2021 Vermont 100. This year’s event, and what it will look like, is still a moving target. COVID has already impacted our registration process and it very well may continue to impact our event in other ways. We simply do not have all the information at this time.
LATEST Updates
Each month — or as new information becomes available — the Vermont 100 Race Committee will use this space to communicate the latest COVID-related news, as we know it.
POSTED: March 17, 2021
This update is for those who are either on the start list or on the waitlist for this year’s Vermont 100 — and it’s to say let’s hope things continue as they currently are… cause things are looking optimistic for July 2021!
Here is the latest from Race Director Amy Rusiecki:
- Start Lists and Waitlists: The 2021 start lists and waitlists for the 100-miler and 100k are posted. The waitlists were a bear and we did our best to get everyone in the order that they were for the 2020 waitlist (if they rolled over) and if not then added to the bottom in order of registration. These spreadsheets are the official order that we’ll pull folks from (NOT the order on the RunReg registration site)… so let us know if we made an error by emailing Amy.
- Waitlist Status: At this time, until we know what the gathering size for VT will be over the summer (i.e. how many runners we can accommodate at the event), we are not planning to pull anyone from the waitlist. So, folks on the waitlist — hang tight and don’t expect to be moved into the event over the next month until we know more.
- Event Status: Currently, Vermont’s restrictions for gathering/event sizes are 150 people. That makes us optimistic (but by no means able to guarantee) that we will be able to hold the event this summer. As mentioned earlier, the event may look different — including the course route, ability to have pacers/crews, and timing. We may need to utilize Friday, July 16, Saturday, July 17, and Sunday, July 18 to spread out participants in order to maintain the gathering size. When we know more, you’ll know more… but please be as open-minded about what this year’s event might look like as you can… we’re working hard to put on an amazing event (including the beauty and heat of Vermont in the summer) as we can!
- Qualifiers and Volunteer Info: We haven’t updated who has submitted qualifier and volunteer info on our start list yet… but wanted to be sure everyone is clear on the qualifier (for 100-mile participants only) and volunteer (for both distances) requirements, which are listed here. The short story is that we extended the qualifying and volunteer window (as we know there wasn’t much opportunity for either over the last year), but are not allowing virtual events to be used as qualifiers.
Thank you! We hope you’re staying healthy and safe and training up for an awesome VT100 this summer! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
— END UPDATE (03/17/21) —
POSTED: January 14, 2021
Folks, please understand that above all else, we are doing our best to safely host the 2021 Vermont 100. However, we remain beholden to state and local permits and regulations, which means that while we are going to make every reasonable effort, it is still possible that the 2021 Vermont 100 may be canceled, OR that this year’s event may have significant changes to the schedule, rules, course, or any other aspect, as necessary to ensure the safety of our participants, volunteers, and local community members. Here’s what we know at this point:
- Re-Registration: If you were on the start list for our 2020 VT100, we sent you an email on January 6th with instructions and details on how you can re-register for the 2021 event or defer to 2022. Please check your junk and spam folders if you did not or do not see our email in your primary inbox. Your individual password is in that email and you must use it to re-register at runreg.com by the end of the day Saturday, January 16th. If you have lost or can’t find your password, email us at vermont100@vermontadaptive.org and we’ll send you a new one.
- Re-Registration Deferral: If you were on the start list for our 2020 VT100 and choose not re-register, you will be automatically put on a list for us to reach out to prior to the 2022 event, as you can roll your 2020 registration into that race instead.
- Waitlist and General Entry: We promise more details on waitlists and general entry to the 2021 VT100 will be coming in the weeks ahead. Stay patient and stay healthy! Thank you!
- A Word of Caution for 2021 / Voluntary Withdrawals: We want to say this out loud so that participants have an appropriate level of expectation. If you aren’t willing to have a different VT100 experience this year – understanding that the rules may change, the course might look different, and the timing of the event weekend may be adjusted, then we recommend you consider rolling your registration into the 2022 event or trying to gain entry to the 2022 event (if you don’t already have a 2021 spot). If you aren’t sure whether you will be able to travel to Vermont in July due to travel restrictions (such as closed country borders), we recommend you consider rolling your registration over into the 2022 event. Even if you’ve re-registered in the last week, if you get cold feet, and/or change your mind — we are happy to remove you from the registration now (simply email me, Amy Rusiecki, at vermont100@vermontadaptive.org). We will accept voluntary withdrawals, to be rolled into the 2022 event, through January 31st. After that time, any participant who is registered and needs to withdraw will have given up their spot and need to enter the lottery for the 2022 event.
- If We Cancel: If we do ultimately cancel the 2021 event, we will work with registered participants (as we did in 2020) to ensure a fair and equitable solution. We are hopeful this won’t happen.
Thank you for reading this and let’s hope that COVID numbers start to decline, that everyone stays safe and healthy and that we see many of you at Silver Hill this summer!
-Amy and the VT100 Race Committee
— END UPDATE (01/14/21) —