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2023 Giving Tuesday Is Huge Success

2023 Giving Tuesday Is Huge Success

Vermont 100 Family!

Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive was a huge success, and the Vermont 100 was a huge part of that! Overall, Vermont Adaptive fundraised nearly $192,000 over Giving Tuesday (November 28, 2023), and the Vermont 100 family was responsible for $42,000 of that! And this volume of donations came from over 300 donors … which shows us the power of a large (amazing) group coming together. All the little pieces and donations of all values added up to a HUGE impact. Simply amazing!

Because of you, Vermont Adaptive will be able to offer more lessons to athletes with disabilities, they will be able to purchase additional adaptive equipment, they can offer more scholarships to ensure that cost isn’t a barrier to participation.  Because of YOU, they can continue being an amazing organization that allows EVERYbody access to sports and the outdoors.

In the words of Laura Farrell, who both started Vermont Adaptive AND the Vermont 100: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

We also held the annual Giving Tuesday raffle to a few lucky folks who donated. Congrats to Tyler Tulloch, who won a guaranteed entry, and Rob Bayliss, who won a free entry! We can’t wait to see both of you on the starting line this year!

We hope you all have a wonderful start to December … but for now, simply THANK YOU to all who donated to Vermont Adaptive on Giving Tuesday. Every dollar counts to Vermont Adaptive, and we’re so proud that the Vermont 100 family has such a tremendous impact on Vermont Adaptive.

– Amy & The VT100 Race Committee


Donate Today

If you still want to make a donation to Vermont Adaptive, there’s time!
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2023 Vermont 100 Cancelled

2023 Vermont 100 Cancelled

After this week’s devastating weather in Vermont, here is a difficult update from our wonderful Race Director Amy Rusiecki and the Vermont 100 Race Committee. The below message was also communicated in email to all participants.

Shared 7/11/23

“It breaks my heart to write this, but due to the devastating flooding that hit the race course yesterday and the lasting damage due to this weather event, the race committee has reached the unfortunate decision that this year’s event must be canceled. The second worst thing a race committee wants to do is cancel an incredible event. However, the worst thing a race committee wants to do is to conduct an unsafe race for the runners, volunteers, and communities. Our highest priority is the safety of every runner, volunteer, trail, and road that this event impacts.

To understand the current situation in the area of the event – Vermont is still under a State of Emergency, and it is currently declared a Federal Disaster area ( Woodstock Vermont had devastating flooding, including Lincoln Covered Bridge (approx. mile 39 of the course) which is currently covered in a foot of mud from flooding. The Taftsville Bridge (approx. mile 14) is also currently closed and yesterday was under feet of water. The roads by Margaritaville (approx. mile 59) have been washed out and are impassible to runners or vehicles. Many of the east-west routes in Vermont are currently closed with washouts, including Rt. 131 and Rt. 106, which cuts off our access to restocking aid stations, marking the route, crew vehicle access, and even your access to get to the start/finish area. Lastly, emergency services in all these communities are straight out and are unable to support our event at this time.  We have included a few photos of the route below, so y’all understand the impact of this weather.

We know that some of you may not agree with our decision, but we hope that you can understand our reasoning. Please understand this is not a decision that came easy, as we are all committed to putting on an awesome event for each of you.

So, what options did we as a race committee consider?

Trying to reschedule the event within a few weeks is logistically impossible and beyond a few weeks we run into the VT50 and numerous other incredible local fall events. Turning the event into an entirely virtual event is not very appealing – that’s just not the VT100! As stated in our Liability Waiver, that you signed when you registered, entry fees are non-refundable if the event is canceled due to public safety concerns, which is the situation that we have unfortunately encountered. We sincerely apologize for this.

While we aren’t strongly encouraging folks to come to the area during this time of disaster, we understand that some with non-refundable travel and lodging may choose to do so. We are working on information regarding local opportunities to contribute to the clean-up efforts.  If you are interested in this, please let us know here and we will follow up with you regarding where and when you can pitch in!

Financially, much of the expenses of this event have been spent at this time and are non refundable to us and we are sincerely sorry for that. Please know that the Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday post-race food (which has already been purchased and prepped) will be used to host community dinners this weekend for local residents who have been displaced by the flooding and who have lost their homes in this event. The aid station food will be donated to local food shelters and survival centers. If you are in the area, there are opportunities to help with serving food to those displaced, or to get our aid station food to local food shelters. You can sign up here.

At this time, you have three options regarding your registration:

  1. We are offering to roll the VT100  registration from anyone who is interested into this year’s Vermont 50 on September 24, 2023.
  2. We are able to defer entry into the 2024 VT100 for anyone who is interested, however entry fees unfortunately will not be able to be rolled over. We will offer a 25% discount to next year’s entry for anyone who takes this option. We regret that we can not offer a deeper discount to those who roll into the 2024 event, however due to this natural disaster this is the best we can offer in the way of partial entry fee deferral.
  3. You can donate your entry fee to the communities impacted by this disaster and Vermont Adaptive.

Please let us know which option you select by August 1st at this link here. If we don’t hear from you by August 1st, we will assume that you have chosen to have your entry fee donated to the local communities impacted by this disaster and Vermont Adaptive.

.On a personal note, I understand that this is heartbreaking to hear.  Trust me, this is equally devastating to share.  I know that many of you have trained for months and years to have your opportunity to run at this incredible event.  I get it, and I am nearly as upset as you are about this decision.  My favorite day of the year is the 15+ hours I spend greeting each of you across the finish line – and I am completely devastated that I will miss that in 2023.

I hope to see many of you in 2024, at this year’s VT50, or otherwise out on the trails.

With huge (sometimes sweaty) hugs,

Amy and the VT100 Race Committee

A Few Area Photos


Grasshopper Lane/Puckerbrush ~Mile 62 Reading, VT - Washed out Road
Grasshopper Lane/Puckerbrush ~Mile 62 Reading, VT – Washed out Road
River Road ~ Mile 15 in Woodstock, VT (note the course marking on a tree, typ. 4 feet from the ground)
River Road ~ Mile 15 in Woodstock, VT (note the course marking on a tree, typ. 4 feet from the ground)
Complete washout on the bottom of Agony Hill Mile 48, Reading, VT
Complete washout on the bottom of Agony Hill Mile 48, Reading, VT
Yesterday’s flooding at Taftsville Bridge crossing (mile 14), Woodstock VT
Yesterday’s flooding at Taftsville Bridge crossing (mile 14), Woodstock VT
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Vermont 100 Weather Update (7/11/23)

Vermont 100 Weather Update (7/11/23)

We of course hoped yesterday’s weather wouldn’t amount to what it has, so here is an update for everyone from our RD, who has understandably been fielding lots of questions. The below message was also communicated in email to all participants.

Shared 7/10/23

“Vermont is currently under a state of emergency due to extreme rain. I saw a photo of one stretch of our course that is currently under feet of water. My heart goes out to the families and businesses which have been flooded due to this incredible rainfall.

What are we doing as a race committee?

First, we are closely monitoring the situation. We will know more about how this rain has impacted our event in another 24 hours – so please give us the time to assess the situation. We have committee members out checking the trail and road conditions – and will continue to check throughout tomorrow and Wednesday.

So, what does this really mean for the race?

We’re doing everything we can to try to put on the Vermont 100 this weekend, if at all possible. We are exploring several contingencies that may alter the event (route, logistics, aid), and will know more. I promise, we will let you know as soon as decisions are made – so please give us time to explore what those answers will be.

What does this mean for you, as a runner?

It means that some of the logistics of the race may change. The route might be different. There may be a few aid stations that are no longer available (and therefore you may need to go longer without aid). Some of the crew stations may be inaccessible for crews. In short, things might look very different this year…but we’re doing the best we can. When we know more and decisions have been made – we will let you know.

What can you do right now to prepare?

If I were running this year, and preparing for all scenarios, I would ensure I have options to carry water and fueling for longer distances than those prescribed on the current aid station charts (i.e. pack a hydration pack just in case!). I would also bring gear and bags in case I need to send drop bags to aid stations that are no longer accessible by crews. In short, I would come prepared to be agile to a few different possible conditions.

I would also send some thoughts and prayers for the communities that we run through, and the homeowners and businesses that have been impacted by this weather event.

In closing, I will do my best to send out an email tomorrow night with further information and updates. When I know more and decisions are made, we WILL let you know.

For now, stay safe out there!”

All For Now

Thank you for reading and respect the process during this difficult time.

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2022 Giving Tuesday Record & 2023 Race Raffle Results

2022 Giving Tuesday Record & 2023 Race Raffle Results

Feeling all the feels after seeing SO much generosity last week from all y’all on Giving Tuesday!

Together we raised nearly $43,000 for Vermont Adaptive, AND set a new single-day giving record in our race’s history. Think of all the adaptive programs, equipment, and scholarships this will support in 2023!

From VT100 Race Director Amy Rusiecki:

“Giving Tuesday has become one of my favorite days each year – and it’s because of each of you and what you did. This is [a] day where my inbox is flooded with positive thoughts and messages, symbols of support, love, acceptance and inclusivity.”

From Vermont Adaptive’s Director of Communications Kim Jackson:

“How much do we love Vermont 100 runners? Well, a whole lot! You guys are amazing, and we’re so grateful you’re a part of the Vermont Adaptive community. Aside from the fact you’re all crazy for running the way you do – you’re also crazy for fundraising the way you do! Thank you from all of us!”

Giving Tuesday by the numbers:

  • $42,621.31 = Total VT100 fundraised (pre-match)
  • 3 = VT100 Team 2 Empower runners who raised over $3000 (pre-match)
  • $620.25 = What one VT100 person donated from collecting redeemable cans for the last year
  • 476 = VT100 individual donations made
  • 352 = Tickets in the ‘guaranteed entry/lottery bypass’ raffle
  • 61 = Ticket in the ‘free entry’ raffle
  • $7,360 = Total raised as a result of the raffle
  • $197,926 = Total raised throughout Vermont Adaptive during GT!
  • Priceless = The stories shared and the value of programs your donations will support

VT100’s fundraising page and individual fundraising pages stay active through the 2023 race: DONATE TODAY!

Happy trails, and THANK YOU for your support of Vermont Adaptive!

Lucky Raffle Winners

  • Bill Burgess – free entry
  • Derek MacDonald – lottery bypass

Upcoming Key Dates

  • 12/15/22 runners who qualify for early entry will receive an email with reg details by this date
  • 12/20 to 12/30/22 – reg opens for runners who qualify for an early entry
  • 1/2 to 1/12/23 – general lottery reg opens to the public
  • 1/114/23 – we will host a live lottery! More details to be released later.

Featured Image Description: Vermont Adaptive Giving Tuesday graphic featuring the Giving Tuesday logo and a caption that reads, “Your Did It! $197,861 Raised! Thank you!”

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Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive (2022)

Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive (2022)

Friends of Vermont 100 and Vermont Adaptive –

For over 30 years, our race has been one of the largest annual fundraisers for Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, an organization that offers folks of all ages and abilities the opportunity to participate in inclusive outdoor activities regardless of their ability to pay.

As the world’s first trail and ultra race to support and recognize visually and mobility impaired athletes with their own division, we believe in what Vermont Adaptive does for its participants every day and we encourage your continued support.


This Giving Tuesday – 11/29/22

EVERY DOLLAR donated will be matched (up to $50,000)!

What does this mean for you?

  • For those who qualify for a 2023 lottery bypass and want to fundraise, your fundraising can start now! Email to have your fundraising page created and start earning our sweet fundraising swag (see: Perks).
  • For those who want to gain entry to the 2023 VT100, we are holding our annual raffle to win either one (1) lottery bypass or one (1) free entry. How it works: Donate to Vermont Adaptive on Giving Tuesday. For every $20 you donate, or that is donated in your honor, you get one (1) ticket to bypass the lottery/waitlist. If you win, you gain entry into the 2023 VT100 but still pay the registration fee. For every $100 you donate, or that is donated in your honor, you will get one (1) ticket towards free entry to into the 2023 VT100. If you win, you will skip the lottery/waitlist and will not have to pay the registration fee. For someone to donate in your honor, they simply need to make a donation, then list your name in the ‘personal message’ area.
  • For those who simply want to help increase our impact on the programming and financial support Vermont Adaptive can offer to participants, you can make your donation here and know that on Giving Tuesday it goes twice as far!
  • Team Run 2 Empower – As always, there is an opportunity for runners to gain entry to the 2023 VT100 by committing to fundraising at least $1,500 for Vermont Adaptive through our Team Run 2 Empower program. More information on the Team is posted here. Giving Tuesday is an excellent day to kickstart your mission.

More about Vermont Adaptive

Learn more about Vermont Adaptive and our partnership by visiting our fundraising page or the Vermont Adaptive Website.

More about 2023 Registration

Everything you need to know about the 2023 VT100 registration process is updated on our website here. It includes the 100-mile and 100-km cost to register; signup dates/timeline (also expressed below); the early and general registration process; info on who qualifies for a lottery bypass; when the lottery will be; the 100-mile qualifier standards; the 100-mile and 100-kilometer service requirement; and more.

If you are a runner who registered in 2020 and didn’t sign up for the 2022 race, this summer is your last chance to use your spot. We have a list of who we believe qualifies. Let us know if you think you qualify, hoped to run this summer, and don’t see you name there. Note: Race qualifiers and service requirements must still be followed.


  • Dec. 15/2022
    Runners who qualify for an early entry (including 2020 runners who rolled into this year’s race) will receive an email with registration details by this date. If you believe you qualify and don’t receive an email, reach out to the RD.
  • Dec. 20-30, 2022
    Registration open for runners who qualify for an early entry.
  • Jan. 2-12, 2023
    Lottery registration opens for anyone who does not qualify for an early registration.
  • Jan. 14, 2023 (time TBD)
    We will host a live lottery!  Details will be posted and shared once worked out.

Got questions?

We’re here to help. If you have any questions, reach out. We might not know all the answers, but we’ll get you the info we’ve got and work towards answers. All we ask for is your patience. There are things we just won’t know for a while.

Featured Image Description: Ben Simanski (left) and his guide Brian Rusiecki (right) run down a gravel road at the 2022 Vermont 100, with the “Giving Tuesday” logo to their left. Simanski is a visually impaired athlete who won the 2022 VT100 100-mile Male Category and Overall Athletes with Disabilities (AWD) Division Category in 23:28:29.

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2022 Vermont 100 Race Registration Process

2022 Vermont 100 Race Registration Process

Last Updated: December 10, 2021

The 2022 edition of the Vermont 100 Endurance Race is fast on its way (fingers crossed!). Here’s
 an update on registration for the upcoming event.

2020 Registered Runners (on the 2020 start list at the time of race cancellation):

As promised to 2020 registered runners (100k and 100m), you have the option to roll your registration into the 2022 or 2023 VT100 (or otherwise forgo your spot). Go here to check your status on the 2020 start list. If you are on the start list:

  • You will have between December 15-20, 2021 to sign up for the 2022 VT100.
  • You will receive an email about how re-register for the 2022 VT100 on December 14, 2021.
  • If you do not claim your 2022 spot by Dec. 20, 2021, you will receive another email with an invitation to re-register for the 2023 Vermont 100.
  • If you do not claim your spot for either event, it will go the next runner in line on the waitlist.

NOTE: Those on the start list have the option to *register for either race (100m or 100k). That’s right … for one time only, regardless of which 2020 start list you were on, if you want to run the 100-miler then sign up for the 100-miler, and if you want to run the 100k then sign up for the 100k! (*Those who were registered for the 2020 Vermont 100k and sign up for the 2022 Vermont 100 mile will be charged the difference in registration fees for the two distances, currently $50.)

2020 Waitlisted Runners (on the 2020 waitlist at the time of race cancellation):

Runners who were on the 2020 waitlist will have the option to re-register and re-claim their place/ranking on the 2022 VT100 waitlist. Go here to check your status on the 2020 waitlist. If you are on the waitlist:

  • You will receive an email on December 21, 2021 with details about how to re-register.
  • You will have between December 22-26, 2021 to re-register and re-claim your spot.
  • If you do not re-claim your spot by December 26, 2021, you are forfeiting your spot on the VT100 waitlist.
  • If you re-claim your waitlist spot, you will be given the same position you were in at the time of race cancellation.
  • You must re-claim your spot within the same distance you were on the waitlist for in 2020.
  • We will hold a small lottery on January 15, 2022 for all runners who are currently on the waitlist for a limited number of spots in the 2022 event. More details will be available as we get closer to this date.

NOTE: Unfortunately, we are not offering to roll over waitlist spots into the 2023 event, nor are we allowing flexibility to adjust the distance you are on the waitlist for.

2020 Team Run 2 Empower (on TR2E at the time of race cancelation):

As always, Vermont 100 welcomes runners who commit to fundraising for Vermont Adaptive and sets aside several spots in the event for these runners. There are limited spots on the Team, as most of the 2020 Team Run 2 Empower has rolled their registration into the 2022 VT100. However, applications are being accepted until the spots are taken – more information is available here.

Those on the 2020 Team Run 2 Empower have a separate process to reclaim their spots for the 2022 or 2023 event and can reach out to the Race Director directly if they have not already done so. Go here to check your status on the 2020 Team Run 2 Empower.

A Note for ALL 2020 Registrants (Start List, Waitlist, Team Run 2 Empower):

An email was sent to all runners signed up for the 2020 Vermont 100 (including the start list, waitlist, and Team Run 2 Empower) on December 9th. If you did not receive this email and believe you should have, please first check your spam/junk/promotions folders. Then, refer to the posted 2020 registered runner list, to ensure that you were on it. Lastly, reach out to the RD if you aren’t on the 2020 registered runner list and believe you should be or didn’t receive the email and we need to update your email in our system. Thank you.

Other 2022 VT100 Entries:

On January 1, 2022, registration will open for anyone who wishes to join the waitlist and was not signed up for the 2020 event. You will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist (below 2020 wait-listed runners) on a first-come-first-served basis.

On January 15, 2022, we will hold a small lottery for all runners who are currently on the waitlist for a limited number of spots in the event. More details will be available as we get closer to this date.

Other Critical Information

  • Please see our Race Entry Page.
  • All 100-mile runners must meet the qualifier requirements, described here.
  • All runners must meet the volunteer service requirements, described here.
  • Race’s refund policy is listed here (scroll to “Runner Withdrawal).
  • 2022 race dates are July 15-17, 2022

Reminder: Please See our Race Entry Page

All for Now

Good luck, thank you, and we appreciate continued your patience as we work through these crazy and unprecedented times. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Silver Hill this summer for the 2022 Vermont 100 Endurance Race.

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No Barriers Podcast – The Ultra Barrier Breaker

No Barriers Podcast – The Ultra Barrier Breaker

We’re proud to share that our Race Director, Amy Rusiecki, recently joined the No Barriers Podcast for a gripping conversation with blind adventure athlete Erik Weihenmayer.

Amy's official No Barriers Podcast graphic featuring her running and the title "The Ultra Barrier Breaker"

Erik was the first blind person to climb Mount Everest in 2001. He’s since ascended the tallest peak on every continent, climbed El Cap in under 24 hours, kayaked the Grand Canyon, authored three books, spoken to students and businesses nationwide, and led expeditions around the world for those living with seen and unseen disabilities as part of his non-profit, No Barriers.

Amy joins Erik’s show to talk about the complexities of ultrarunning, her role as an athlete, guide, coach, and race director, and the ways in which she tries to expand accessibility and address inclusion issues in our sport. Erik is curious about what goes on in our heads as ultrarunners, what it really takes to tackle 100 miles as an athlete with a disability, and asks Amy what she hopes racing will look like in the years to come.

Amy assists and AWD onto the main stage to speak at the opening ceremonies for the VT100

While Amy has helped our race create divisions for both athletes with disabilities and nonbinary runners, led discussions with other race directors about how to better manage gender equality, and deepened our fundraising commitment to Vermont Adaptive—she says there is still plenty of work left to do.

Amy guiding a visually impaired runner during the Vermont 100

Tune in, and please email us at if you have ideas on how our event (and others) can continue to break barriers and close gaps. We strongly believe that the trails are a place for everyone and we continuously strive to make our runner, volunteer, sponsorship, and fundraising opportunities as accessible and appealing to people from all backgrounds and identities.

Amy’s episode (no. 126) is available here on the No Barriers Podcast showpage as well everywhere you get your podcasts, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

Amy greeting in two runners at the finish line of the Vermont 100, a tradition of hers

Images courtesy of No Barriers, Ben Kimball, Peter Maksimow, and Bruno Hamann.

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