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2023 Giving Tuesday Is Huge Success

2023 Giving Tuesday Is Huge Success

Vermont 100 Family!

Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive was a huge success, and the Vermont 100 was a huge part of that! Overall, Vermont Adaptive fundraised nearly $192,000 over Giving Tuesday (November 28, 2023), and the Vermont 100 family was responsible for $42,000 of that! And this volume of donations came from over 300 donors … which shows us the power of a large (amazing) group coming together. All the little pieces and donations of all values added up to a HUGE impact. Simply amazing!

Because of you, Vermont Adaptive will be able to offer more lessons to athletes with disabilities, they will be able to purchase additional adaptive equipment, they can offer more scholarships to ensure that cost isn’t a barrier to participation.  Because of YOU, they can continue being an amazing organization that allows EVERYbody access to sports and the outdoors.

In the words of Laura Farrell, who both started Vermont Adaptive AND the Vermont 100: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

We also held the annual Giving Tuesday raffle to a few lucky folks who donated. Congrats to Tyler Tulloch, who won a guaranteed entry, and Rob Bayliss, who won a free entry! We can’t wait to see both of you on the starting line this year!

We hope you all have a wonderful start to December … but for now, simply THANK YOU to all who donated to Vermont Adaptive on Giving Tuesday. Every dollar counts to Vermont Adaptive, and we’re so proud that the Vermont 100 family has such a tremendous impact on Vermont Adaptive.

– Amy & The VT100 Race Committee


Donate Today

If you still want to make a donation to Vermont Adaptive, there’s time!
Make Your Donation Now

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2023 Vermont 100 Cancelled

2023 Vermont 100 Cancelled

After this week’s devastating weather in Vermont, here is a difficult update from our wonderful Race Director Amy Rusiecki and the Vermont 100 Race Committee. The below message was also communicated in email to all participants.

Shared 7/11/23

“It breaks my heart to write this, but due to the devastating flooding that hit the race course yesterday and the lasting damage due to this weather event, the race committee has reached the unfortunate decision that this year’s event must be canceled. The second worst thing a race committee wants to do is cancel an incredible event. However, the worst thing a race committee wants to do is to conduct an unsafe race for the runners, volunteers, and communities. Our highest priority is the safety of every runner, volunteer, trail, and road that this event impacts.

To understand the current situation in the area of the event – Vermont is still under a State of Emergency, and it is currently declared a Federal Disaster area ( Woodstock Vermont had devastating flooding, including Lincoln Covered Bridge (approx. mile 39 of the course) which is currently covered in a foot of mud from flooding. The Taftsville Bridge (approx. mile 14) is also currently closed and yesterday was under feet of water. The roads by Margaritaville (approx. mile 59) have been washed out and are impassible to runners or vehicles. Many of the east-west routes in Vermont are currently closed with washouts, including Rt. 131 and Rt. 106, which cuts off our access to restocking aid stations, marking the route, crew vehicle access, and even your access to get to the start/finish area. Lastly, emergency services in all these communities are straight out and are unable to support our event at this time.  We have included a few photos of the route below, so y’all understand the impact of this weather.

We know that some of you may not agree with our decision, but we hope that you can understand our reasoning. Please understand this is not a decision that came easy, as we are all committed to putting on an awesome event for each of you.

So, what options did we as a race committee consider?

Trying to reschedule the event within a few weeks is logistically impossible and beyond a few weeks we run into the VT50 and numerous other incredible local fall events. Turning the event into an entirely virtual event is not very appealing – that’s just not the VT100! As stated in our Liability Waiver, that you signed when you registered, entry fees are non-refundable if the event is canceled due to public safety concerns, which is the situation that we have unfortunately encountered. We sincerely apologize for this.

While we aren’t strongly encouraging folks to come to the area during this time of disaster, we understand that some with non-refundable travel and lodging may choose to do so. We are working on information regarding local opportunities to contribute to the clean-up efforts.  If you are interested in this, please let us know here and we will follow up with you regarding where and when you can pitch in!

Financially, much of the expenses of this event have been spent at this time and are non refundable to us and we are sincerely sorry for that. Please know that the Friday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday post-race food (which has already been purchased and prepped) will be used to host community dinners this weekend for local residents who have been displaced by the flooding and who have lost their homes in this event. The aid station food will be donated to local food shelters and survival centers. If you are in the area, there are opportunities to help with serving food to those displaced, or to get our aid station food to local food shelters. You can sign up here.

At this time, you have three options regarding your registration:

  1. We are offering to roll the VT100  registration from anyone who is interested into this year’s Vermont 50 on September 24, 2023.
  2. We are able to defer entry into the 2024 VT100 for anyone who is interested, however entry fees unfortunately will not be able to be rolled over. We will offer a 25% discount to next year’s entry for anyone who takes this option. We regret that we can not offer a deeper discount to those who roll into the 2024 event, however due to this natural disaster this is the best we can offer in the way of partial entry fee deferral.
  3. You can donate your entry fee to the communities impacted by this disaster and Vermont Adaptive.

Please let us know which option you select by August 1st at this link here. If we don’t hear from you by August 1st, we will assume that you have chosen to have your entry fee donated to the local communities impacted by this disaster and Vermont Adaptive.

.On a personal note, I understand that this is heartbreaking to hear.  Trust me, this is equally devastating to share.  I know that many of you have trained for months and years to have your opportunity to run at this incredible event.  I get it, and I am nearly as upset as you are about this decision.  My favorite day of the year is the 15+ hours I spend greeting each of you across the finish line – and I am completely devastated that I will miss that in 2023.

I hope to see many of you in 2024, at this year’s VT50, or otherwise out on the trails.

With huge (sometimes sweaty) hugs,

Amy and the VT100 Race Committee

A Few Area Photos


Grasshopper Lane/Puckerbrush ~Mile 62 Reading, VT - Washed out Road
Grasshopper Lane/Puckerbrush ~Mile 62 Reading, VT – Washed out Road
River Road ~ Mile 15 in Woodstock, VT (note the course marking on a tree, typ. 4 feet from the ground)
River Road ~ Mile 15 in Woodstock, VT (note the course marking on a tree, typ. 4 feet from the ground)
Complete washout on the bottom of Agony Hill Mile 48, Reading, VT
Complete washout on the bottom of Agony Hill Mile 48, Reading, VT
Yesterday’s flooding at Taftsville Bridge crossing (mile 14), Woodstock VT
Yesterday’s flooding at Taftsville Bridge crossing (mile 14), Woodstock VT
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Vermont 100 Weather Update (7/11/23)

Vermont 100 Weather Update (7/11/23)

We of course hoped yesterday’s weather wouldn’t amount to what it has, so here is an update for everyone from our RD, who has understandably been fielding lots of questions. The below message was also communicated in email to all participants.

Shared 7/10/23

“Vermont is currently under a state of emergency due to extreme rain. I saw a photo of one stretch of our course that is currently under feet of water. My heart goes out to the families and businesses which have been flooded due to this incredible rainfall.

What are we doing as a race committee?

First, we are closely monitoring the situation. We will know more about how this rain has impacted our event in another 24 hours – so please give us the time to assess the situation. We have committee members out checking the trail and road conditions – and will continue to check throughout tomorrow and Wednesday.

So, what does this really mean for the race?

We’re doing everything we can to try to put on the Vermont 100 this weekend, if at all possible. We are exploring several contingencies that may alter the event (route, logistics, aid), and will know more. I promise, we will let you know as soon as decisions are made – so please give us time to explore what those answers will be.

What does this mean for you, as a runner?

It means that some of the logistics of the race may change. The route might be different. There may be a few aid stations that are no longer available (and therefore you may need to go longer without aid). Some of the crew stations may be inaccessible for crews. In short, things might look very different this year…but we’re doing the best we can. When we know more and decisions have been made – we will let you know.

What can you do right now to prepare?

If I were running this year, and preparing for all scenarios, I would ensure I have options to carry water and fueling for longer distances than those prescribed on the current aid station charts (i.e. pack a hydration pack just in case!). I would also bring gear and bags in case I need to send drop bags to aid stations that are no longer accessible by crews. In short, I would come prepared to be agile to a few different possible conditions.

I would also send some thoughts and prayers for the communities that we run through, and the homeowners and businesses that have been impacted by this weather event.

In closing, I will do my best to send out an email tomorrow night with further information and updates. When I know more and decisions are made, we WILL let you know.

For now, stay safe out there!”

All For Now

Thank you for reading and respect the process during this difficult time.

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2022 Giving Tuesday Record & 2023 Race Raffle Results

2022 Giving Tuesday Record & 2023 Race Raffle Results

Feeling all the feels after seeing SO much generosity last week from all y’all on Giving Tuesday!

Together we raised nearly $43,000 for Vermont Adaptive, AND set a new single-day giving record in our race’s history. Think of all the adaptive programs, equipment, and scholarships this will support in 2023!

From VT100 Race Director Amy Rusiecki:

“Giving Tuesday has become one of my favorite days each year – and it’s because of each of you and what you did. This is [a] day where my inbox is flooded with positive thoughts and messages, symbols of support, love, acceptance and inclusivity.”

From Vermont Adaptive’s Director of Communications Kim Jackson:

“How much do we love Vermont 100 runners? Well, a whole lot! You guys are amazing, and we’re so grateful you’re a part of the Vermont Adaptive community. Aside from the fact you’re all crazy for running the way you do – you’re also crazy for fundraising the way you do! Thank you from all of us!”

Giving Tuesday by the numbers:

  • $42,621.31 = Total VT100 fundraised (pre-match)
  • 3 = VT100 Team 2 Empower runners who raised over $3000 (pre-match)
  • $620.25 = What one VT100 person donated from collecting redeemable cans for the last year
  • 476 = VT100 individual donations made
  • 352 = Tickets in the ‘guaranteed entry/lottery bypass’ raffle
  • 61 = Ticket in the ‘free entry’ raffle
  • $7,360 = Total raised as a result of the raffle
  • $197,926 = Total raised throughout Vermont Adaptive during GT!
  • Priceless = The stories shared and the value of programs your donations will support

VT100’s fundraising page and individual fundraising pages stay active through the 2023 race: DONATE TODAY!

Happy trails, and THANK YOU for your support of Vermont Adaptive!

Lucky Raffle Winners

  • Bill Burgess – free entry
  • Derek MacDonald – lottery bypass

Upcoming Key Dates

  • 12/15/22 runners who qualify for early entry will receive an email with reg details by this date
  • 12/20 to 12/30/22 – reg opens for runners who qualify for an early entry
  • 1/2 to 1/12/23 – general lottery reg opens to the public
  • 1/114/23 – we will host a live lottery! More details to be released later.

Featured Image Description: Vermont Adaptive Giving Tuesday graphic featuring the Giving Tuesday logo and a caption that reads, “Your Did It! $197,861 Raised! Thank you!”

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Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive (2022)

Giving Tuesday at Vermont Adaptive (2022)

Friends of Vermont 100 and Vermont Adaptive –

For over 30 years, our race has been one of the largest annual fundraisers for Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, an organization that offers folks of all ages and abilities the opportunity to participate in inclusive outdoor activities regardless of their ability to pay.

As the world’s first trail and ultra race to support and recognize visually and mobility impaired athletes with their own division, we believe in what Vermont Adaptive does for its participants every day and we encourage your continued support.


This Giving Tuesday – 11/29/22

EVERY DOLLAR donated will be matched (up to $50,000)!

What does this mean for you?

  • For those who qualify for a 2023 lottery bypass and want to fundraise, your fundraising can start now! Email to have your fundraising page created and start earning our sweet fundraising swag (see: Perks).
  • For those who want to gain entry to the 2023 VT100, we are holding our annual raffle to win either one (1) lottery bypass or one (1) free entry. How it works: Donate to Vermont Adaptive on Giving Tuesday. For every $20 you donate, or that is donated in your honor, you get one (1) ticket to bypass the lottery/waitlist. If you win, you gain entry into the 2023 VT100 but still pay the registration fee. For every $100 you donate, or that is donated in your honor, you will get one (1) ticket towards free entry to into the 2023 VT100. If you win, you will skip the lottery/waitlist and will not have to pay the registration fee. For someone to donate in your honor, they simply need to make a donation, then list your name in the ‘personal message’ area.
  • For those who simply want to help increase our impact on the programming and financial support Vermont Adaptive can offer to participants, you can make your donation here and know that on Giving Tuesday it goes twice as far!
  • Team Run 2 Empower – As always, there is an opportunity for runners to gain entry to the 2023 VT100 by committing to fundraising at least $1,500 for Vermont Adaptive through our Team Run 2 Empower program. More information on the Team is posted here. Giving Tuesday is an excellent day to kickstart your mission.

More about Vermont Adaptive

Learn more about Vermont Adaptive and our partnership by visiting our fundraising page or the Vermont Adaptive Website.

More about 2023 Registration

Everything you need to know about the 2023 VT100 registration process is updated on our website here. It includes the 100-mile and 100-km cost to register; signup dates/timeline (also expressed below); the early and general registration process; info on who qualifies for a lottery bypass; when the lottery will be; the 100-mile qualifier standards; the 100-mile and 100-kilometer service requirement; and more.

If you are a runner who registered in 2020 and didn’t sign up for the 2022 race, this summer is your last chance to use your spot. We have a list of who we believe qualifies. Let us know if you think you qualify, hoped to run this summer, and don’t see you name there. Note: Race qualifiers and service requirements must still be followed.


  • Dec. 15/2022
    Runners who qualify for an early entry (including 2020 runners who rolled into this year’s race) will receive an email with registration details by this date. If you believe you qualify and don’t receive an email, reach out to the RD.
  • Dec. 20-30, 2022
    Registration open for runners who qualify for an early entry.
  • Jan. 2-12, 2023
    Lottery registration opens for anyone who does not qualify for an early registration.
  • Jan. 14, 2023 (time TBD)
    We will host a live lottery!  Details will be posted and shared once worked out.

Got questions?

We’re here to help. If you have any questions, reach out. We might not know all the answers, but we’ll get you the info we’ve got and work towards answers. All we ask for is your patience. There are things we just won’t know for a while.

Featured Image Description: Ben Simanski (left) and his guide Brian Rusiecki (right) run down a gravel road at the 2022 Vermont 100, with the “Giving Tuesday” logo to their left. Simanski is a visually impaired athlete who won the 2022 VT100 100-mile Male Category and Overall Athletes with Disabilities (AWD) Division Category in 23:28:29.

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2022 Women in Endurance Sports Awards Nominee: Amy Rusiecki

2022 Women in Endurance Sports Awards Nominee: Amy Rusiecki

Congratulations to Vermont 100 Race Director Amy Rusiecki, who is nominated for a Women of Endurance Sports Award!

Amy has committed to supporting gender equity and inclusion at our event and all of her Beast Coast Trail Running events, and we are so proud to see her hard work recognized like this!

The 2022 awards ceremony will be celebrated in person at the Outspoken Summit in Tempe, AZ, and streamed live online through the Outspoken Summit Facebook page this Sunday, November 13th, at 10am PT/1pm ET.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank each of you, everyone in our beautiful ultrarunning community, who has stepped up in their own ways to advocate for changes that promote inclusion and diversity within our events!

Outspoken Awards Nominee - Official Graphic - Amy Rusiecki

“This is how small changes happen, which can lead to bigger shifts…and it takes an amazing [community], which we are blessed to have!!!” – Amy


Amy racing
Amy racing. She is wearing a purple Inov8 tank top, black shorts, and sunglasses, and carrying a water bottle in her left hand.
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The Trails Collective Podcast – Special Guest VT100 Race Director Amy Rusiecki

The Trails Collective Podcast – Special Guest VT100 Race Director Amy Rusiecki

We’re excited to share that our rockstar race director, the one and only Amy Rusiecki, is this week’s extra special guest on The Trails Collective Podcast hosted by competitive distance runner, Ellie Pell.

Amy and Ellie dig into all things running and ultrarunning: Amy’s experience discovering the sport; strategies for training, racing, and competing; what it’s like coaching, directing races (she’s got a bunch: see Beast Coast Trail Running), and guiding blind and visually impaired athletes. They even veer into the inevitable — which trail snacks and beverages Amy loves most!

Listen below on Spotify, tune in on Apple Podcasts, or go to the platform you prefer and search for the Trails Collective Podcast.

Voices From The Collective: Amy Rusiecki



Amy (left) guiding visually impaired athlete Kyle Robidoux (center) with another guide (right) on the Vermont 100 course
Photo description: Amy (left) guiding visually impaired athlete Kyle Robidoux (center) with another guide (right) on the Vermont 100 course. Credit: Ben Kimball.
Amy speaking to the crowd at the Vermont 100 Pre-Race Meeting with a Vermont Adaptive banner hanging behind her.
Photo description: Amy speaking to the crowd at the Vermont 100 Pre-Race Meeting with a Vermont Adaptive banner hanging behind her.
Amy with her arms up greeting two runners as they cross the Vermont 100 Endurance Race Finish Line
Photo description: Amy with her arms up greeting two runners as they cross the Vermont 100 Endurance Race Finish Line
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2022 Vermont 100 Race Recap

2022 Vermont 100 Race Recap

Thank you to our runners, crew, pacers, volunteers, sponsors*, and the VT community at large who brought so much energy and enthusiasm to the 2022 Vermont 100. We cannot express how much everyone’s patience has meant to us over these past few years. Everyone had a hand in the success of this event and we hope to see you again in 2023!

Official Race Photos

Presented by Ben Kimball, are available here.

Official Race Results

Presented by OneTime, available here.

Top Performances

Below, or read this article from MassUltra.

2022 VT100-Mile Male Category Winner - Roy Van Cleef (1)

100-mile Male Category* Champion and Top 3 Finishers!

  • Roy Van Cleef, 16:30:01 (1st overall)
  • Nicholas Mamrak, 17:09:22 (2nd overall and 1st solo overall)
  • Oliver Mednick, 17:42:15 (3rd overall )

Van Cleef broke from the pack early and held the lead to the finish to secure his first-ever win at the Vermont 100; Mamrak ran self-supported and maintained second throughout and first overall solo; and Mednick started at a conservative pace and climbed spots carefully all day to round out the podium.

2022 VT100 100-Mile Female Categoty Winner - Aliza Lapierre (1)

100-mile Female Category* Champion and Top 3 Finishers

  • Aliza Lapierre, 18:35:25 (6th overall)
  • Christine Mosley, 19:20:45 (8th overall and 1st solo female category)
  • Dylan Broderick, 20:45:56 (15th overall)

Lapierre has over a decade of 100-mile experience — with a list of amazing performances to her name — and she used her knowledge to race patiently, slowly closing the gap on Moseley, the 2019 VT100 defending champ who held the lead through mile 69; while Broderick rounded out the podium for her fourth top-five finish at VT100.

2022 VT100 100-Mile Male Category and Overall AWD Division Winner - Ben Simanski (1)

100-mile Male Category* and Overall Athletes with Disabilities (AWD) Division** Category

  • Ben Simanski (image: right), 23:28:29 (62nd overall, 1st Visually Impaired).
  • Eric Strong, 26:29:30 (108th overall, 2nd Visually Impaired)

Simanski is a visually impaired athlete, and he led the AWD field from start to finish, holding off fellow visually impaired runners Eric Strong (26:29:30) and Kyle Robidoux.

2022 VT100 100km Womens Category Winner - Riley Brady (1)

100-km Female Category* Champion, Top 3 Finishers, and Solo Winner

  • Riley Brady, 10:03:55 (1st overall and new women’s category CR)
  • Samantha Stimac, 10:53:56 (3rd overall)
  • Tess Hamilton, 11:55:29 (5th overall)
  • Solo Winner: Angelika Grodna-Pantera, 12:23:52 (4th female category, 7th overall)

Brady, now a VT100 vet, executed an incredible race, managing their pace in the pack carefully in the first half and breaking away from the field over the final 30 miles to earn the overall 100-km win and setting a new female category course record in the process. Stimac and Hamilton had strong races to round out the podium; and Grodna-Pantera’s self-supported effort was good for fourth in the female category and seventh overall.

2022 VT100 100-km Male Category Champion - Natty Montoya (1)

100-km Male Category* Champion and Top 3 Finishers

  • Natty Montoya, 10:32:17 (2nd overall and 1st overall solo)
  • Palo Cvik, 11:27:59 (4th overall)
  • Bhushan Suresh, 12:03:08 (6th overall)

Montoya raced hard from the start, contesting the overall win until halfway, and then settling into a self-supported pace that was good for second overall and first solo. Cvik also left the gate with the leaders and despite falling behind in time, never lost his spot in the top; and Suresh raced steady to round out the male category podium.

*At the Vermont 100, runners who identify as non-binary may choose to compete in their own division or against their hormonal peers in either the male or female category. Like our athletes with disabilities division (AWD), this option is presented as part of our race’s larger push to expand accessibility and inclusion in the sport of ultrarunning. We believe that the trails are a place for everyone and we continuously strive to make our runner, volunteer, sponsorship, and fundraising opportunities as accessible and appealing to people from all backgrounds and identities. If you have ideas on how our event can continue to break barriers and close gaps, email us at

**In 2017, the Vermont 100 deepened our commitment to adaptive sports by becoming the first trail ultra ever to recognize mobility and visually impaired athletes in their own division: Athletes With Disabilities (AWD). Go here to learn about the criteria, entry process, division breakdown, rules, and more.

2022 VT100 Race Recap - Closing Photo - Runner and Horseback Rider (1)


Our race is a fundraiser for Vermont Adaptive, and they could not be a better partner. In 2022, all of you helped us raise over $200,000 for them, which is staggering. Thank you!

Sponsor Love


  • Buckles: If you did not get your 2022 finisher buckle in person, you should have it by mail now. Email the RD if you did not receive yours.
  • Race Merchandise: Our online store is closed for the year. Check back later.


The 2023 Vermont 100 is scheduled for:

  • July 14-16, 2023
  • Registration details coming in November.
  • Registration opens in December.


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July 6, 2022 – VT100 Race Updates

July 6, 2022 – VT100 Race Updates

Emailed to Participants: July 6, 2022

Runners – 10 days from now, each of you will be starting your epic journey through Vermont. With the race so close, there’s a lot of last-minute info and reminders to share … so please read this through, pass info along to your crew and pacers, and reach out with questions.

1. Runner Handbook & Aid Stations

The Runner Handbook and Aid Station charts (100k, 100 mile) have been updated for this year’s event. Please download a copy of the handbook to your phone, and share with your crew and pacers. This covers the Runner Rules, Pacer Rules, and Crew Rules, Driving Directions, and the Race Schedule. Please read this!!! Even if you have completed the race in the past – some things are new this year.

2. Driving to Silver Hill

Click here for Driving Directions to Silver Hill. There are certain roads near our race site that are closed to race traffic. They have ‘Local Traffic Only’ signs on them. However, we ask that everyone follow the directions to Silver Hill provided in the link above. Our future race permits depends on everyone complying!

  • Driving to Aid Stations – Directions to the aid stations are in the Runner Handbook. Follow these directions. Most GPSs don’t know the difference between Class 4 roads (often impassible by vehicles) and passable roads!

3. Pre-Race Meeting

Since we won’t have an in-person pre-race meeting, Race Director Amy Rusiecki is doing a live video chat on Sunday July 10th at 5pm EST (link to be shared soon).  She’ll go over race details (such as ‘how to run with horses’), followed by a Q&A session. For those who can’t attend, we will make the video available afterwards (likely to be emailed to you).

4. Start List and Solo vs. Crewed

Here are the links to the start lists for the 100k and 100 mile. Bib #s will be assigned this weekend. If you have unresolved qualifiers or volunteer info, let’s get that resolved ASAP!  Also, we know that some of you want to change your status from solo/crewed status – to do so, send an email to the race registrar Astrid ( Reminder that solo runners have no pacer and no crew.

5. Camping

Some folks have asked about camping or how to reserve a spot. Here’s the deal – we allow folks to set up tents in the designated camping field. There are no designated spots, you simply find a few blades of grass and set up. No need to let us know either way whether you’re camping or not – we don’t track it.

  • No RVs! Reminder that while you can sleep in your car, you’re not allowed to have anything larger than a standard vehicle. We don’t have the room to park these, and the parking lots get pretty mucky by Sunday so RVs or heavy vehicles may get stuck.

6. Merchandise

The 2022 race merchandise is available online now! We’ll have this at Silver Hill also, but you’re welcome to pre-order and we’ll have your gear ready for pick-up on Friday (July 15th) during registration.

7. Pacer Registration

Due to the COVID vaccination requirement, we’re trying something new this year with pacer registration. Early next week, we’ll share a link for pacers to sign up and complete all their paperwork online. There will be an option for them to complete this registration in-person if necessary also.

8. COVID Waiver

All of you have been emailed a link from RunReg to acknowledge/certify compliance with the VT100’s COVID vaccination requirement. A reminder email was sent earlier today from RunReg to those who have not yet completed this waiver. Unfortunately, we can not allow runners who have not completed this form to attend the event.

9. Course Changes

For those who haven’t run the course before, this might not make sense … but for those returning runners, here’s a few of the minor course changes this year.

  • Lincoln Covered Bridge – The bridge is open again, so no river crossing. The aid station will be back to its original location, just after the bridge. (Anyone who wants to follow the horse route and go through the water is welcome to do so…).
  • Lillian’s – In 2019, we added in a minor trail extension that had 100 milers approaching Lillian’s from a different direction – we are not doing that this year. We’ve added a bit of trail to the route just before the aid station, but the station will be in the 2018 location at the Rt. 106 pull-off again.
  • Keating’s – The aid station has moved to about 1 mile further down the trail.
    Polly’s – the aid station has moved again. This year, it will be about ¼ mile before the 2018 and prior Polly’s location – at the home of the VT100 founder, Laura Farrell!

10. Course Intel

For those who haven’t run the VT100 before … the biggest thing to know is about the Camp 10 Bear loop.

  • You enter that aid station twice, and each time you take a right when leaving the aid station to continue on. If you don’t know, ask a volunteer which direction you should be going … as every year we have one runner who either skips the Camp 10 Bear loop entirely, or runs it twice … so pay attention and rely on volunteers to help.
  • Also, know that the 1/3 mile when you leave Camp 10 Bear #1 is also the last 1/3 mile before you return to Camp 10 Bear #2.  This means many runners may see participants running in the opposite direction in this short stretch.  Don’t freak out – cheer them on!

11. We Are Pumped

Speaking for the race committee, we are so excited to welcome each of you to this year’s Vermont 100 … and to support you on your journey. And it’s nearly here!!! As always, reach out with questions. We look forward to seeing you at Silver Hill on Friday July 15th!

-Amy & the VT100 Race Committee

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June 15, 2022 – VT100 Race Updates

June 15, 2022 – VT100 Race Updates

Emailed to Participants: June 15, 2022

One month from today, we’ll be gathering on Silver Hill…ready to set off for your 100k or 100 mile journey. Did anyone else just get nervous hearing that?!?  So exciting!

Alright, since we’re getting down to crunch time, you’ll be getting some updates from us on all sort of things…as things are falling into place.  Please check out this entire [blog post], and reach out with questions.

I’ll start with pointing you towards the start lists (100k start list100 mile start list), which show volunteer and qualifier confirmation, as well as crewed vs. solo status. Please read below for more info, and reach out if there’s an issue that’s not addressed below.

1. Volunteer Requirement

Reminder that you should have submitted your form to report you completed your volunteer requirement by today (6/15/22). More info on the volunteer requirement (including the dates ranges for the 8-hour volunteering) is listed on the race website here.  The form to submit your information is here.

*Note that we are behind with confirming submissions for volunteer requirements – if you submitted your form within the last few weeks, it’s possible we didn’t get to you yet (and we appreciate your patience!).

2. Qualifier Requirement

If you’re a 100 mile runner, reminder that you should have submitted your form to report you completed your qualifier (and it was due a few weeks ago!). More info on the qualification requirements is listed on the race website here. The form to submit your qualifier is here.

*Note that we are up to date with confirming qualifiers submitted at this time.  If you aren’t shown as submitting your qualifier, then either you didn’t submit it after registering this year or it fell through the cracks.  Either way, please submit the form so we can get you confirmed!

3. COVID/Vaccination Requirement

We uploaded a waiver into the registration system that every runner must complete to confirm that you are aware of the vaccination requirement and that you (and anyone you bring with you to the event) is in compliance with the race’s vaccination policy. You should have received an email from the registration system to complete this waiver.  No one will be allowed on-site or at aid stations without completing this form.

4. Volunteers

We need more volunteers at this year’s race! Due to COVID, we are struggling to get enough volunteers to support each of you (and this is pretty common these days!). We ask that each of you reach out to your friends, family, teammates, or anyone who might be willing to help make this year’s VT100 a success. (Specifically, if someone is traveling to support you but can help out for a few hours, that would be AMAZING!) Here’s the link to sign-up for volunteering.

5. COVID Changes

There will be a few changes to this year’s event due to COVID.  We’re still working them out, but I wanted to let y’all know about a few of them in case they change your plans.

  • Friday pre-race briefing – we’ll do a virtual pre-race briefing instead of a large Friday briefing.  More details (and link to watch/join) will be sent out when we know more.
  • Friday pre-race dinner – rather than a large sit-down dinner, we’re instead offering dinner from 3-6:30pm that folks can either sit and eat or take with them.  Menu will be similar to past years, and to-go containers will be available.
  • Sunday awards – we’ll be giving folks their hard-earned awards upon crossing the finish line rather than at one large awards ceremony.  Sorry that it means that each finish won’t have their name called and be celebrated among their peers…but I’ll be there to give you a sweaty hug and hope that’s almost as valuable?!?
  • Sunday post-race meal – like with Friday night dinner, we’re not doing the large Sunday BBQ.  Instead, you’ll be offered a meal when you finish your race (or when you make it back to Silver Hill).  The menu will change throughout the night/overnight/morning accordingly.

6. Course Changes

There are a few minor changes to the course this year, and these might only make sense to those of you who have run the VT100 a few times.  We will compile all the changes and get those out to folks in the next email.

7. Runner Handbook

The 2019 Runner Handbook is posted online currently, and can be used as guidance for the event rules, including crew and pacer rules.  We will update the handbook and post the 2022 Runner Handbook by July 5th, which will include new crew driving directions.

8. We’re stoked!

We can’t wait to see you all at Silver Hill, so please reach out if you have any questions, and know that we’re working hard to make this an awesome event – worthy of waiting many years for!

Happy trails!

-Amy and the VT100 Race Committee

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2022 Vermont 100 COVID Vaccination Policy

2022 Vermont 100 COVID Vaccination Policy

Last Updated: February 10, 2022


The Vermont 100 Race Committee has decided to mandate COVID vaccinations at the 2022 Vermont 100 event for all participants.

This means that every runner, rider, volunteer, pacer, spectator, and crew member must be fully vaccinated for COVID in order to be at this year’s event (including access to the start/finish area, aid stations, and crew stops).

Fully Vaccinated Definition

The definition of COVID vaccination means the individual must have received 2 standard vaccine doses (1 dose if Johnson & Johnson vaccination) and a booster dose (if eligible). Being booster eligible is 2 months after the J&J vaccine but 5 months after the other vaccinations.

Policy Explanation

The Vermont 100 course relies on over 60 private landowners giving us permission to use their property for the race. The start/finish area, camping field, registration area, numerous aid stations, and 70-miles of our course are all on private land. The event also passes through 9 small Vermont communities, while introducing participants from across the country (and even internationally) to their local stores, land, gas stations, restaurants, and accommodations. Out of an abundance of caution for these landowners and communities, the VT100 Race Committee voted to institute the vaccination requirement so that we are able to host the race this summer.

Moving Forward

We understand that this announcement may be disconcerting to some participants, and we apologize to those who are upset by the vaccination requirement.

We are working through the details of how we will confirm vaccination status for all participants and will communicate when we know more. We hope that this gives sufficient notice for compliance to unvaccinated runners who are currently on the start list.

Race Withdrawal

Because this announcement comes after registration has been completed, we are offering a one-time opportunity for runners who are unable/unwilling to comply to withdraw from the 2022 race and receive a refund of their entry fee. This opportunity is only available through February 23, 2022, and runners can request this option here.

Thank You

We hope that everyone understands that the safety of the landowners, communities, and participants is paramount. Happy and safe running everyone – see you at Silver Hill in July!

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No Barriers Podcast – The Ultra Barrier Breaker

No Barriers Podcast – The Ultra Barrier Breaker

We’re proud to share that our Race Director, Amy Rusiecki, recently joined the No Barriers Podcast for a gripping conversation with blind adventure athlete Erik Weihenmayer.

Amy's official No Barriers Podcast graphic featuring her running and the title "The Ultra Barrier Breaker"

Erik was the first blind person to climb Mount Everest in 2001. He’s since ascended the tallest peak on every continent, climbed El Cap in under 24 hours, kayaked the Grand Canyon, authored three books, spoken to students and businesses nationwide, and led expeditions around the world for those living with seen and unseen disabilities as part of his non-profit, No Barriers.

Amy joins Erik’s show to talk about the complexities of ultrarunning, her role as an athlete, guide, coach, and race director, and the ways in which she tries to expand accessibility and address inclusion issues in our sport. Erik is curious about what goes on in our heads as ultrarunners, what it really takes to tackle 100 miles as an athlete with a disability, and asks Amy what she hopes racing will look like in the years to come.

Amy assists and AWD onto the main stage to speak at the opening ceremonies for the VT100

While Amy has helped our race create divisions for both athletes with disabilities and nonbinary runners, led discussions with other race directors about how to better manage gender equality, and deepened our fundraising commitment to Vermont Adaptive—she says there is still plenty of work left to do.

Amy guiding a visually impaired runner during the Vermont 100

Tune in, and please email us at if you have ideas on how our event (and others) can continue to break barriers and close gaps. We strongly believe that the trails are a place for everyone and we continuously strive to make our runner, volunteer, sponsorship, and fundraising opportunities as accessible and appealing to people from all backgrounds and identities.

Amy’s episode (no. 126) is available here on the No Barriers Podcast showpage as well everywhere you get your podcasts, like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

Amy greeting in two runners at the finish line of the Vermont 100, a tradition of hers

Images courtesy of No Barriers, Ben Kimball, Peter Maksimow, and Bruno Hamann.

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2021 Vermont 100 – Cancellation Notice

2021 Vermont 100 – Cancellation Notice

From the Race Director – Updated 4/28/21

It’s with a heavy heart that the Vermont 100 Endurance Race committee voted last week to officially cancel the 2021 Vermont 100 due to COVID-19. This was an emotional decision and not one that was taken lightly or decided easily.

The race committee considered the health and safety of all runners, riders, volunteers, community members, and vendors at the forefront of the discussion.  We did look at many alternatives, including the route, timing of events, and alteration of the services provided, to consider if there was a feasible alternative.  However, we jointly were not able to find a way to provide anything close to the true Vermont 100 experience and felt like continuing with a stripped-down, much smaller, and incredibly altered version of the event was not the experience that we wanted for the participants, volunteers, or community members.  As said before, this was not an easy decision and ultimately was extremely emotional for all.

We truly look forward to 2022, when we are committed to providing the magical celebration and amazing atmosphere that is Vermont 100 and hope to see each of you there!

We acknowledge that the current situation is very fluid, making day-to-day and month-to-month planning difficult for everyone. We felt it was important to share this information with everyone involved as quickly as possible so you each can adjust plans accordingly.  We are now working on many of the unknowns (and questions) that you will have, and ask for your patience and understanding as we shift our focus to that.

Details we can share right now

  • 2021 Start List
    We plan to roll the 2020 start list over into the 2022 Vermont 100. If you do not want to remain on the start list for next year’s event, you can request removal from the start list using this form (
  • 2021 Waitlist
    We plan to roll the 2020 waitlist over into the 2021 Vermont 100. We WILL NOT pull anyone off the waitlist and into the event until a later date (likely next fall/winter). If you do not want to remain on the waitlist for next year’s event, you can request removal from the waitlist using this form (
  • Race Qualifiers / Volunteer Requirements
    We have not made any decisions regarding any adjustments to the volunteer and qualifier requirements for next year’s race (given this year’s race cancellation). We will communicate when we know more.
  • 2022 Race Date

Further details coming soon

As we find time in the coming weeks to work out the finer details regarding this cancellation, we will release more information. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and support through these uncertain times.

Virtual Run (#myVT100)

There are a few options for anyone who wishes to still celebrate VT100, support Vermont Adaptive, or both!

  • For folks who want to celebrate VT100 in their own way: We will be again challenging folks to choose their own adventure regarding how they celebrate what is meaningful for them, and share their story, photos, inspiration via #myVT100.  (This will run for the entire month of July.)
  • For folks who want to celebrate VT100 while also supporting Vermont Adaptive: Again, folks who participate in #myVT100 and fundraise for Vermont Adaptive will be awarded some VT100 goodies. More details on this will be coming soon.
  • For folks who simply want to fundraise for Vermont Adaptive: You’re encouraged to check out the Vermont Adaptive Charity Challenge. More information is available here (

The impact on Vermont Adaptive & Local Businesses

I want to take a moment to acknowledge that while I’m bummed to not see you all this summer, the race cancellation will also have a significant impact on others – notably, Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, as well as the area businesses of West Windsor. And for the 2nd year in a row!

This race is annually one of the largest fundraisers for Vermont Adaptive. Their mission, providing the opportunity for athletes of all abilities to enjoy activities and challenge themselves through sports, is one that we can all agree is important right now. I know how much running has become my sanity through COVID-19; and I know that without Vermont Adaptive, countless folks don’t have the option to go out and run or otherwise work out their anxiety through sports.

Further, our event is one of the largest sources of income for many various West Windsor businesses, which will struggle financially with the cancellation of the 2020 and 2021 VT100 (among other events, such as the 2020 VT50 that also supports these businesses).

As such, I know some runners may wish to donate some or all of their 2020 entry fee towards Vermont Adaptive and/or towards supporting a local West Windsor business. If you wish to do this, you may make your donation using this form ( And don’t worry, unless you choose to remove your name from the start list, your spot will still be carried over to the 2022 Vermont 100. If you wish to make a donation to Vermont Adaptive (and support me running 100 miles on my own this summer, again), you may also do so here (

Thank you and rock on

More than ever, we look forward to seeing you at Silver Hill for the 2022 Vermont 100! Until then, stay safe and be well!

–  Amy Rusiecki and the Vermont 100 Race Committee

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2021 Vermont 100 – COVID Updates

2021 Vermont 100 – COVID Updates

Updated: March 17, 2021 (scroll down)

Due to COVID, unknowns remain about the 2021 Vermont 100. This year’s event, and what it will look like, is still a moving target. COVID has already impacted our registration process and it very well may continue to impact our event in other ways. We simply do not have all the information at this time.

LATEST Updates

Each month — or as new information becomes available — the Vermont 100 Race Committee will use this space to communicate the latest COVID-related news, as we know it. 

POSTED: March 17, 2021

This update is for those who are either on the start list or on the waitlist for this year’s Vermont 100 — and it’s to say let’s hope things continue as they currently are… cause things are looking optimistic for July 2021!

Here is the latest from Race Director Amy Rusiecki:

  1. Start Lists and Waitlists: The 2021 start lists and waitlists for the 100-miler and 100k are posted. The waitlists were a bear and we did our best to get everyone in the order that they were for the 2020 waitlist (if they rolled over) and if not then added to the bottom in order of registration. These spreadsheets are the official order that we’ll pull folks from (NOT the order on the RunReg registration site)… so let us know if we made an error by emailing Amy.
  2. Waitlist Status: At this time, until we know what the gathering size for VT will be over the summer (i.e. how many runners we can accommodate at the event), we are not planning to pull anyone from the waitlist. So, folks on the waitlist — hang tight and don’t expect to be moved into the event over the next month until we know more.
  3. Event Status: Currently, Vermont’s restrictions for gathering/event sizes are 150 people. That makes us optimistic (but by no means able to guarantee) that we will be able to hold the event this summer. As mentioned earlier, the event may look different — including the course route, ability to have pacers/crews, and timing. We may need to utilize Friday, July 16, Saturday, July 17, and Sunday, July 18 to spread out participants in order to maintain the gathering size. When we know more, you’ll know more… but please be as open-minded about what this year’s event might look like as you can… we’re working hard to put on an amazing event (including the beauty and heat of Vermont in the summer) as we can!
  4. Qualifiers and Volunteer Info: We haven’t updated who has submitted qualifier and volunteer info on our start list yet… but wanted to be sure everyone is clear on the qualifier (for 100-mile participants only) and volunteer (for both distances) requirements, which are listed here. The short story is that we extended the qualifying and volunteer window (as we know there wasn’t much opportunity for either over the last year), but are not allowing virtual events to be used as qualifiers.

Thank you! We hope you’re staying healthy and safe and training up for an awesome VT100 this summer! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

— END UPDATE (03/17/21) —

POSTED: January 14, 2021

Folks, please understand that above all else, we are doing our best to safely host the 2021 Vermont 100. However, we remain beholden to state and local permits and regulations, which means that while we are going to make every reasonable effort, it is still possible that the 2021 Vermont 100 may be canceled, OR that this year’s event may have significant changes to the schedule, rules, course, or any other aspect, as necessary to ensure the safety of our participants, volunteers, and local community members. Here’s what we know at this point:

  • Re-Registration: If you were on the start list for our 2020 VT100, we sent you an email on January 6th with instructions and details on how you can re-register for the 2021 event or defer to 2022. Please check your junk and spam folders if you did not or do not see our email in your primary inbox. Your individual password is in that email and you must use it to re-register at by the end of the day Saturday, January 16th. If you have lost or can’t find your password, email us at and we’ll send you a new one.
  • Re-Registration Deferral: If you were on the start list for our 2020 VT100 and choose not re-register, you will be automatically put on a list for us to reach out to prior to the 2022 event, as you can roll your 2020 registration into that race instead.
  • Waitlist and General Entry: We promise more details on waitlists and general entry to the 2021 VT100 will be coming in the weeks ahead. Stay patient and stay healthy! Thank you!
  • A Word of Caution for 2021 / Voluntary Withdrawals: We want to say this out loud so that participants have an appropriate level of expectation. If you aren’t willing to have a different VT100 experience this year – understanding that the rules may change, the course might look different, and the timing of the event weekend may be adjusted, then we recommend you consider rolling your registration into the 2022 event or trying to gain entry to the 2022 event (if you don’t already have a 2021 spot). If you aren’t sure whether you will be able to travel to Vermont in July due to travel restrictions (such as closed country borders), we recommend you consider rolling your registration over into the 2022 event. Even if you’ve re-registered in the last week, if you get cold feet, and/or change your mind — we are happy to remove you from the registration now (simply email me, Amy Rusiecki, at We will accept voluntary withdrawals, to be rolled into the 2022 event, through January 31st. After that time, any participant who is registered and needs to withdraw will have given up their spot and need to enter the lottery for the 2022 event.
  • If We Cancel: If we do ultimately cancel the 2021 event, we will work with registered participants (as we did in 2020) to ensure a fair and equitable solution. We are hopeful this won’t happen.

Thank you for reading this and let’s hope that COVID numbers start to decline, that everyone stays safe and healthy and that we see many of you at Silver Hill this summer!

-Amy and the VT100 Race Committee

— END UPDATE (01/14/21) —

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2020 Vermont 100 – Cancellation Notice

2020 Vermont 100 – Cancellation Notice

From the Race Director – Updated 4/15/20

It’s with a heavy heart that the Vermont 100 Endurance Race committee voted last night (4/14/20) to officially cancel the 2020 Vermont 100 due to COVID-19. This was an emotional decision, but one we made with the health and safety of all runners, riders, volunteers, community members, and vendors at the forefront of the discussion.

We acknowledge that the current situation is very fluid, making day-to-day and month-to-month planning difficult for everyone.  We felt it was important to share this information with everyone involved as quickly as possible so you each can adjust plans accordingly.  We are now working on many of the unknowns (and questions) that you will have, and ask for your patience and understanding as we shift our focus to that.

Details we can share right now

  • 2020 Start List
    We plan to roll the 2020 start list over into the 2021 Vermont 100. If you do not want to remain on the start list for next year’s event, you can request removal from the start list using this form (
  • 2020 Waitlist
    We plan to roll the 2020 waitlist over into the 2021 Vermont 100. We WILL NOT pull anyone off the waitlist and into the event until a later date (likely next fall/winter). If you do not want to remain on the waitlist for next year’s event, you can request removal from the waitlist using this form (
  • Race Qualifiers / Volunteer Requirements
    We have not made any decisions regarding any adjustments to the volunteer and qualifier requirements for next year’s race (given this year’s race cancellation). We will communicate when we know more.
  • 2021 Race Date
    Please mark your calendars for July 16-18th, 2021

Further details coming soon

As we find time in the coming weeks to work out the finer details regarding this cancellation, we will release more information. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and support through these uncertain times.

The impact on Vermont Adaptive & Local Businesses

I want to take a moment to acknowledge that while I’m bummed to not see you all this summer, the race cancellation will also have a significant impact on others – notably, Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, as well as the area businesses of West Windsor.

This race is annually one of the largest fundraisers for Vermont Adaptive. Their mission, providing the opportunity for athletes of all abilities to enjoy activities and challenge themselves through sports, is one that we can all agree is important right now. I know how much running has become my sanity through COVID-19; and I know that without Vermont Adaptive, countless folks don’t have the option to go out and run or otherwise work out their anxiety through sports.

Further, our event is one of the largest sources of income for many various West Windsor businesses, which will struggle financially with the cancellation of the 2020 VT100.

As such, I know some runners may wish to donate some or all of their 2020 entry fee towards Vermont Adaptive and/or towards supporting a local West Windsor business. If you wish to do this, you may make your donation using this form ( And don’t worry, unless you choose to remove your name from the start list, your spot will still be carried over to the 2021 Vermont 100 (July 16-18th, 2021).

Thank you and rock on

More than ever, we look forward to seeing you at Silver Hill for the 2021 Vermont 100! Until then, stay safe and be well!

–  Amy Rusiecki and the Vermont 100 Race Committee

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Guiding for a Day — Reflections from the USABA Ski Festival with Vermont Adaptive!

Guiding for a Day — Reflections from the USABA Ski Festival with Vermont Adaptive!

Kevin Draper is a member of Team Run 2 Empower who recently he donated his time to help guide blind and visually impaired athletes at the 13th Annual Winter Ski Festival hosted by the United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA). This event, in partnership with our race beneficiary Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, offers skiers and snowboarders who are blind or visually impaired the opportunity to come together to participate in alpine skiing, nordic skiing, and snowshoeing. Kevin was kind enough to share his reflections on the experience, and we hope you’ll enjoy his words as much we did.

Thank you, Kevin! What a wonderful way to give back and find deeper meaning in why you’re committed to fundraising for Vermont Adaptive.

Guiding for a Day — Reflections from the USABA Ski Festival with Vermont Adaptive!


A visually impaired snowboarder works with two Vermont Adaptive guides at the 13th Annual USABA / Vermont Adaptive Ski Festival Weekend
A visually impaired snowboarder works with two Vermont Adaptive guides at the 13th Annual USABA / Vermont Adaptive Ski Festival Weekend

“The conditions were perfect that crisp Sunday morning at Pico Mountain, in Killington, Vermont. Vermont Adaptive Athletes and crew were taking part in various winter activities at the USABA Ski Festival. What they didn’t realize was that this was a special day, where some of the volunteers helping out, were also part of a group of VT100 fundraisers from Team Run 2 Empower.

This was my second year helping out Vermont Adaptive and it’s such a joy for me to witness the enthusiasm and confidence the athletes gain from getting outside and doing what they love. I’ve been a skier my entire life, so guiding blind athletes who enjoy skiing as much as I do is right up my alley!


Vin Framularo – Snowboarding Guide and Fellow Team Run 2 Empower Member

My role this year was similar to do what I did last year, be a guide in front or behind the VASS athlete. This may look like an easy task, but I assure you, it’s pretty complex.  You are there to help the athletes on and off the chair lift so timing and communication is critical. While on the chairlift, you discuss the different trail options, i.e., green circles to blue squares to black diamonds. You also review different ski styles, like quick sharp carving turns or more pronounced longer turns.

A visually impaired skiers works with two Vermont Adaptive guides at the 13th Annual USABA / Vermont Adaptive Ski Festival Weekend
A visually impaired skiers works with two Vermont Adaptive guides at the 13th Annual USABA / Vermont Adaptive Ski Festival Weekend

What has been terrific for me to experience is the self-assurance built within the athletes as the day progressed. Athletes gain trust in you as a guide and they may decide to push the envelope a bit and go to the top of Pico or take a run on a trail they once considered over their head. Funny enough, last year the woman I was guiding told me that my skiing improved as the lead guide, which made me laugh. I guess I became more confident in my guiding abilities too!

A blind skier faces down slope while carving a turn at the USABA / Vermont Adaptive 13th Annual Ski Festival Weekend in Vermont
A blind skier faces down slope while carving a turn at the USABA / Vermont Adaptive 13th Annual Ski Festival Weekend in Vermont

To realize I had a small part in people’s lives brings it way beyond the fundraising for me. I would help out at Vermont Adaptive every single day if I could but I’ve got to (gulp) begin training for the Vermont 100!”

A bit more about Kevin Draper

Kevin lives in Massachusetts with his wife, two daughters, and their dog, Murphy, who loves trail running as much as Kevin does. Kevin and his family enjoy skiing and being outside as much as possible, and this will be Kevin’s third year on Team Run 2 Empower. Be sure to say hi to him at the VT100 this summer.


Learn more about Team Run 2 Empower & Vermont Adaptive

Visit our fundraising page to get the full scoop on the cause, the impact, and how to get involved in fundraising for Vermont Adaptive through the Vermont 100 — or simply donate today.


And who doesn’t love pups?!

Your treat for reading right to the end of the post 🙂


A couple “guide” puppies amidst the boot room chaos.
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What’d You Think of the 2017 VT100? Take the Post Race Survey Today

What’d You Think of the 2017 VT100? Take the Post Race Survey Today

Thank you ALL for attending our 29th annual Vermont 100 Endurance Run or Ride!

Whether you were a runner, a crew person, a family support member, a volunteer, a HAM radio operator, a horse rider, a horse crew person, veterinarian, medical staff… you get the picture… we want to hear from you!

Your opinions will help us improve the 30th annual and on into the future of this race.

It should only take a few minutes of your time and we really value your thoughts on how we did things.

Please share this link with anyone you might know that was involved with the race.

Thanks, and hope to see you all again next year.

– Amy and the Race Committee

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A Note From the Medical Director

A Note From the Medical Director

One of the qualities that makes a good ultrarunner is stubbornness. However, this trait can also be a liability. It is critically important to be able to distinguish between when you should tough it out, and when you need to stop. That’s why we have skilled and knowledgeable medical professionals at the VT100 to help save us from ourselves when we truly need it.

The major addition this year is the Medical Director’s decision to immediately disqualify runners that exhibit signs of significant Rhabdomyolysis and Trench Foot. Once these conditions have developed, any further running or exposure to the elements can be life or limb threatening, even in the early stages of severity.

Here’s what the VT100 Medical Director, Dr. Rick Marasa, and his experienced team will be looking for:


  • Rhabdo is muscle tissue breakdown resulting in the release of a protein into the blood that can damage the kidneys.
  • Symptoms include dark, reddish urine, a decreased amount of urine, weakness, and muscle aches.
  • Early treatment with aggressive fluid replacement reduces the risk of kidney damage.
  • The recovery can take several months and is a bigger problem in runners who have exerted themselves beyond their level of training.
  • Urine dipstick testing strongly for blood will be available (and used, as needed) at the VT100 stations with medical providers.  
  • Since there is no direct correlation of weight loss to Rhabdo or hydration/circulation status, VT100 medics will conduct urine tests only when clinically indicated.  

Trench Foot

  • Trench Foot is severe pain in the feet that is associated with prolonged exposure to wet/cool environments.
  • The feet might show only minimal physical redness or blanching.
  • Much like its “cousin” frostbite, re-exposure can result in severe symptoms, tissue damage (blisters, open sores, fungal infections, etc.) and even necrosis (cellular death).
  • As trench foot worsens, feet may also begin to swell.
  • Trench foot can be prevented by keeping the feet clean and dry. Runners should change out of wet, dirty socks and shoes, and into clean, dry pairs.
  • VT100 medics will be asking runners about foot pain only when clinically indicated.

“Both of these conditions are essentially silent killers. When runners try tough it out and overcome them, they put themselves at a very high risk of increasing the severity to life and limb threatening levels.”

– Dr. Marasa

All runners must follow the direction of the Medical Director and his experienced, knowledgeable team. Your longevity in this wacky sport depends on it!

Remember: Although medical personnel will assist you when possible, you are ultimately responsible for your own well-being. Monitor yourself and prepare to drop out at the nearest aid station if you don’t feel well.  As you run, be aware of the number of miles to the next aid station.  There’s no shame in knowing your limitations. Several drops have come back to finish (or win) the VT100 the following year.

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2017 Movie Night – 8% No Limit

2017 Movie Night – 8% No Limit

This year’s Friday Night Feature will be the documentary, 8% No Limitstarring ultrarunner Rhonda-Marie Avery.

Step into the shoes of a runner who is blind, as she traverses Canada’s longest trail. In the summer of 2014, Rhonda-Marie Avery set out to run 885 kilometers across Canada’s toughest terrain – the Niagara Escarpment on the Bruce Trail – a feat that most would doubt is possible for sighted runners, much less a runner with 8% vision. This intimate documentary of her journey will redefine how you perceive disability in sport and in life.

The documentary screening will be kicked off by a panel with Rhonda Marie Avery, who will be running the 100km; Maggie Guterl, an Achilles International guide, who will be guiding Kyle Robidoux in the 100 miler; and Nipmuck Dave, a mobility impaired athlete who finished last year’s 100 miler with 6 minutes to spare and will be running the 100-miler again this year. Ask questions about what their challenges are, how they overcome them, or even what it’s like to guide a visually impaired runner!

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FAQs – Zeke’s Answers to All Your VT100 Questions

FAQs – Zeke’s Answers to All Your VT100 Questions

We get A LOT of questions from our participants every year. So, we’ve rounded up your FAQs and Zeke’s taken the time to answer each. There’s a ton of information here, but we promise it’s worth it. Enjoy!

  • This post is broken up into 11 sections.
  • Read start to finish, or click a topic to anchor to that specific section
  1. About Zeke
  2. The Course
  3. Your Gear
  4. Aid Stations
  5. Medical
  6. The Start and Finish
  7. The Schedule
  8. Running with Horses
  9. Weather
  10. Pacers, Crews, & Handlers
  11. Miscellaneous

We hope this will help you breathe a little easier going into the race!

About Zeke

If you have questions about the VT100, Zeke has answers. As a longtime member of the race committee for the VT50 and the VT100, Zeke Zucker is here to make sure you have the best experience possible.

Zeke is an experienced runner, having finished over 50 ultras in his career, including six Vermont 100 finishes, Western States 100, Leadville 100, Wasatch 100, Mountain Masochist, and Bull Run Run.

As a critical member of our race committee, Zeke ensures that the course is the correct length. As landowner permissions change, he coordinates substitutions and re-routes. He also checks the course to make sure that there aren’t any downed trees or other obstacles along the route.

And as if his rockstar status couldn’t be more solid, Zeke was the captain of the Spirit of ‘76 aid station for many years, before recently turning the reigns over to the 413 Trail Runners. He still volunteers there every year, so make sure you say hello when you pass through!

So, if you’ve got any questions – from how to prepare for your first 100 miler, your first Vermont, what the course is like, or what your crew should expect – Zeke has experienced it all and is super generous to share his wealth of knowledge.

The Course

We do not publish course maps because most of the VT100 is on private land. We deeply respect our landowners privacy and are very thankful they generously grant us access to run on their land. Without these landowners, the VT100 would not be possible. Thank you, landowners!

Course Composition:

Gravel / Trail – Jeep road / Paved
100 Mile: 68.5% / 29% / 2.5%
100-km: 66.5% / 32% / 1.5%

Composition Details:

The 70 miles of smooth gravel roads, although hilly, are very runnable. The trails and jeep roads, for the most part, are also quite runnable, with a paucity of rocks or roots. Most trails are part of the local Horse Association trail network, and are well-maintained.

The Jeep Roads are hardly rutted, but occasionally a heavy rain will cause some erosion. One segment, just before the halfway point, is an old logging road with sizeable puddles that extend across the width of the road. Since your feet might get wet, you may want to include a pair of dry shoes and socks at the next drop bag aid station, which is Margaritaville at mile 58.5.

The total paved surface is about 2.5 miles. There are 6 sections of paved surfaces ranging between 1/16 and 1/2 mile. The longest paved surface is just shy of 1 mile and occurs after Lillian’s at mile 43.

VT100 Course


There are hills throughout the course. The elevation again is approximately 17,000’ for the 100 Mile and 9,000’ for the 100 Km.

Vermont 100-mile Elevation Profile

Here are the hills that will get your attention:

  • Mile 4: Densmore Hill Road, moderate for 2 miles
  • Miles 10-16 & 19-21: Moderate rollers before Pretty House
  • Mile 26: moderate climb up to Sound of Music Hill
  • Mile 30: After Stage Rd. 3/4 mi. up thru meadow and woods. Steep then Mod.
  • Mile 38: Fletcher Hill Road, 1.5 miles of steep road

NOTE: 100K runners: you have one half mile moderate hill at 3.2 miles. For the following, subtract 38 miles or your mileage points. You can also access the 100-km elevation profile here

  • Mile 49: Agony Hill, moderate to steep for 7-10 miles
  • Mile 56: Tracer Brook up to Margaritaville aid station, moderate to steep for 2 miles
  • Mile 59: Prospect Hill, steep for half mile
  • Mile 62: Brown Schoolhouse Road, moderate climbs for 3 miles
  • Mile 70: Heartbreak Hill, steep for 7-10 miles
  • Mile 74: Calendar Hill Road, moderate to steep climb for half mile
  • Mile 76: Driveway approach to ’76 aid station, 0.15 mi. and very steep
  • Mile 87: Coon Club Road before Bill’s, moderate to steep roller coaster
  • Mile 90: Hewett Road, moderate 1.5 miles, then Hunt Road 0.3 steep
  • Mile 92: Marton Road, first third is VERY STEEP, then eases to moderate half mile
  • Mile 98: Trails before Blood Hill are short, mostly moderate with one steep

For the most part, no. There will be some roots, small rocks and ruts, so pay attention and pick up your feet. We have driven or run all of the trails and cut downed trees and tossed limbs and branches, but some can fall the evening before or the day of.

The 100 mile course will be marked with large yellow plastic dinner plates, with bold dark black arrows indicating direction (right, left or straight). Where the course turns, there will be one arrow plate BEFORE the turn, two plates at the turn, and another plate AFTER the turn. On some stretches you will see confidence plates with a large C on it, to assure you that you are still on course. The 100K will be marked with LAVENDER plastic dinner plates only until it joins the 100 Mile course (at Lillian’s Aid Station), at which point everyone will follow yellow plates. At night, in addition to the plates, there will be green glow stick chem-lites marking the route.

VT100 - Yellow Course Markers

The 100 K course starts at Silver Hill Meadow and proceeds 5.6 miles to Lillian’s Aid Station, which is the mile 43.3 for the 100 Milers. From Lillian’s to the finish, the two courses are identical.

The 100 Mile goes through parts of 9 towns in a three lobe cloverleaf pattern. The 100 K goes through parts of 6 towns on the latter two cloverleaf ‘lobes’.

There are no anticipated changes to the course this year, however minor last minute changes seem to occur every year. Any course changes will be reviewed at the pre-race briefing on Friday.

Your Gear

You can have a drop bag at any aid station that allows crews. Information about drop bags can be found here. Remember:

  • All drop bags bags must be in place on Silver Hill by 5:30pm on Friday, July 14th.
  • Mark each drop bag with your: Bib Number,  Last Name, and Aid Station Name.
  • Drop bags should be soft sided, waterproof and durable. A small backpack or gear bag about 9” by 9” by 16” (or smaller). We will not accept unreasonably large drop bags.

Since runners pass through twice, Camp Ten Bear is aid station #11 and aid station #17. There will be 2 drop bag areas; one area for #11, and one area for #17. If you want to use one drop bag for both areas, clearly mark the drop bag “Camp Ten Bear #11.” After you use the drop bag on your first time through Camp Ten Bear, drop the bag in the #17 pile before you leave and the bag will be there when you return.

The VT100 is a cupless race, so bring a water bottle. The race starts before sunrise, so bring a headlamp or flashlight. We suggest you wear trail shoes but you could get by with road shoes.

Since the 100 mile starts before sunrise, you may want to bring a small inexpensive light that you can afford to leave behind at the first aid station. There will be a box at the first aid station (Densmore Hill, mile 7) where you can leave your light. The box will be returned to Silver Hill.

Yes, if the weather is above 85 degrees and you anticipate taking over 28 hours to complete the run. You won’t need two bottles if you have a hydration pack. The greatest distance between aid stations is 5 miles, which occurs 3 times in the 100 mile. Slower runners will take close to 1.5 hours to cover 5 miles.

Aid Stations

New this year, the energy drink that will be provided at aid stations is Base Performance Hydro.  All runners will also be given a tube of the Base Performance Electrolytes, to use in conjunction with the Hydro.  If you plan on using these products, it is strongly suggested that you order and try both in your training. Aid Stations will also have an assortment of the following: chips, fruit, M&M’s, cookies, candy, peanut butter and jelly, turkey sandwiches, and potato chunks. There will be soup, broth, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate at some stations after dark. There will be burgers and hotdogs at Camp Ten Bear, and grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup at Spirit of ’76.

Normally, no. When using your own gels, please hold the wrappers and dispose of them at the next aid station. Do not discard on the roads or trails. Absolutely no littering will be tolerated. We pride ourselves on being Green. After all, Vermont is the Green Mountain State!


The main medical center is inside the tent on Silver Hill. Minor aid can be obtained along the course at the handler stations if an EMT is present. All of manned aid stations will have basic first aid kits and electrolyte caplets. We have HAM Radio communication at all handler stations in order to connect injured runners with medical personnel.

Yes, at Camp Ten Bear (miles 47 and 70) and at Bill’s (mile 88). At these checkpoints, every runner must check in with medical staff to undergo a brief evaluation that may include being weighed or otherwise evaluated. All decisions and evaluations are up to the medical staff.

Medical staff will be monitoring for significant weight loss, weight gain, trench foot, Rhabdomyolysis, and Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia.

The Start and Finish


  • The 100 mile starts at 4:00 a.m. Saturday.
  • The 100 K starts at 9:00 a.m. Saturday.


  • The 100 mile cut-off time is 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.
  • The 100 K cut-off time is 5:00 a.m. on Sunday.


  • For the 100 mile, the first male will finish in about 15.5 hrs (around 7:30 p.m.) and the first female in about 17.5 hrs (9:30 p.m.).
  • For the 100 K, the first male will finish in about 9.5 hrs (6:30 p.m.) and the first female in about 11.5 hrs (8:30 p.m.).

The races start slightly downhill from the main tent on Silver Hill Meadow, under the starting line banner. Both races proceed down the hill.

The finish line for both races is in the woods behind the main tent on Silver Hill Meadow.

The Schedule

4:30 p.m. Friday in the main tent on Silver Hill Meadow.

Immediately following the pre-race briefing. approx 5:00 p.m. Your Bib is YOUR MEAL TICKET! Family and friends and pacer meal tickets ARE NOT included in your entry fee. Extra meal tickets will be available at the Merchandise Table.

In the main tent at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Your Bib is YOUR MEAL TICKET! Family and friends and pacer meal tickets ARE NOT included in your entry fee. Extra meal tickets will be available at the Merchandise Table.

Sunday at about 11 a.m., immediately following the post-race BBQ.

Running with Horses

The horses will not run you over; they actually want to slow down to your pace. If a horse and rider want to pass you, speak with the rider and step aside if asked to. If you want to pass a horse, speak with the rider and wait until they says it’s okay. At night, in particular, talk to the rider as soon as you’re within earshot; until the horse knows you are a human, the horse may be frightened.  And above all, don’t point your bright flashlight towards horses – they like that even less than us runners do!

VT100 - Running with the Horses



  • Sunrise is approximately 5:26 a.m. Saturday and 5:27 a.m. Sunday.
  • The sun will set Saturday evening at approximately 8:25 p.m.

At night, it is usually in the 50’s, but could be in the 40’s or 60’s. During the day, it is usually in the 70’s, but could be in the 60’s, 80’s or 90’s.

It could and has, but on average does not. We’ll give you the latest weather forecast at the pre-race briefing. Bring a raincoat and an extra set of shoes/socks just in case.

Pacers, Crews & Handlers

You can request one in advance via the Pacer section on our website. On Friday at registration, look for John Bassette in the yellow West Point baseball cap. All pacers must get and wear a bib number during the race.

VT100 - Pacers

Crews are allowed at handler access aid stations only. Helping your runner at non-handler access aid stations is NOT allowed and can be grounds for runner disqualification. There are 8 handler access aid stations for the 100 mile and 6 for the 100 K. It will take roughly 35 minutes for crews to drive from Silver Hill Meadow to the first crew access aid station. Please see the Handler Instructions for answers to the following common questions and more:

  • Where are the handler aid stations?
  • How do I get to Camp Ten Bear from Silver Hill?
  • Where can I park at the Handler access aid stations?

There are a number of great, local country stores in the towns of South Woodstock, Taftsville, Hartland, Brownsville, Reading and Woodstock. For more information, see our blog post on local establishments.

They will be wearing yellow t-shirts that say ‘Race Official.’


There is one very rustic shower available in woods near the camping area on SilverHill. There is also a small pond for swimming.

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports, a non-profit, volunteer based organization which provides competitive and recreational athletic opportunities, equipment and instruction for people with disabilities. Your entry fee and all money raised during the event goes directly toward provision of these services.

Our race depends on our neighbors and gracious landowners! The local landowners are extremely tolerant of us every year. We have been asked to reduce traffic and noise around the race course. We absolutely must keep the noise down at Silver Hill Meadow and keep event-related vehicles off of some specific roads. In an effort to maintain good relations with the local community, there will be some clearly marked road closures. Violation of these closures could easily result in the termination of our event. In 2015, we revised the driving directions to Silver Hill and between authorized Handler Access Aid Stations. Please be aware and respectful of all road closures and help spread the word.

Still have questions? Visit the VT100 blog for more helpful information, or of course don’t hesitate to ask me!


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Your Race Weekend Checklist

Your Race Weekend Checklist

There’s so much to do, know, and get ready for when it comes to arriving at Silver Hill on race day with a clear mind and ready to race. So, we want to arm you with a quick VT100 weekend checklist in hopes it’ll help you remember a couple key things! 

To Download

Download and read the following prior to arrival. Cell service on Silver Hill Meadow is spotty at best and there will NOT be copies available at check-in:

Additional “Important Race Forms & Links” available in our Resource Center.

About Drop Bags

Above all, be sure to fill and properly label Drop Bags with your bib number, last name, and the aid station name.

Remember to Pack 

  • Reusable water bottle or cup (VT100 is a cupless race!)
  • Flashlight and/or headlamp
  • Bug Spray for you and your crew
  • Rain gear
  • Sunblock and hat
  • Cash and credit cards, so you can buy race merch (personal and traveler’s checks are NOT accepted)

VT100 Light!

Don’t Forget to Bring

  • Your patience for other human beings.
  • Your cooperation in adhering to road closures and speed limits.
  • Your respect for the distance.
  • Your gratitude for the private landowners who make the VT100 possible.

See ya soon!

-The VT100 Race Committee

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5 Questions with Kyle Robidoux – A 2017 AWD Participant

5 Questions with Kyle Robidoux – A 2017 AWD Participant

The 2017 Vermont 100 will be the first ultra ever to formally recognize Athletes With Disabilities with an awards division for ultra runners with visual or mobility impairments, and we’re so proud to bring you this interview with Kyle Robidoux in anticipation.

Kyle Robidoux: A 5-question interview on being part of the 2017 VT100 as an AWD

Kyle’s Story

Kyle Robidoux - at Pineland Farms 50-miler
Kyle at the 2017 Pineland Farms 50-miler, alongside his guides, Nat, Nicole, and Amy.

Kyle Robidoux is an ultra runner from Boston who will be among the historic inaugural cohort at this year’s 2017 VT100 recognizing athletes with disabilities.

Kyle has completed many marathons, including completing the Boston Marathon twice in one day by running out to the starting line, and then running back to the finish! He’s also run the Vermont 50 at Mount Ascutney, Ghost Train Ultra in New Hampshire, and Pineland Trails Ultra in Maine.

Born with retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative eye condition that gradually limits an individual’s field of vision, Kyle is a Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports participant and will be competing in the VT100’s new visually impaired awards division. This will be his first 100 mile race.

When Kyle is not running, you can find him hanging out with his wife and 9 year old daughter, Lucy, enjoying an interesting micro-brew, and advocating for inclusion as the Director of Volunteer Services at the Massachusetts Association for the Blind.

The Interview

Q. How has your training been so far? How do you train for trails while living in the city?

Kyle: My training has been on-point and I am hitting all of my weekly mileage goals.  Living in the city definitely makes it a challenge to run trails and hills. I spend a lot of time doing multiple hill repeats on the steepest hills in Boston. Thankfully, I have some great friends and sighted guides who also drive/run with me to nearby trails such as The Fells and Blue Hills.

Q. We’re about four weeks away from race day. What does your training block look like for the next four weeks?

Kyle: The last three weeks of my plan will be my largest training block to date. Each week will set a new weekly high for mileage which is exciting and keeping me motivated. I am focusing on back-to back-to back runs Fridays-Sundays to train my body and mind to run on tired legs. I am very thankful for my family’s patience with my training.

Q. What are your race goals and what is your race day strategy?

Kyle: My A+ stretch goal is just under 24-hours. This hopefully will keep me motivated to keep moving forward. My B goal is 26 hours and C is to finish. My strategy is to keep an even effort for the first half while knowing that the terrain is more challenging the last 30 miles. For trail running, terrain often dictates my pace/ability to run/walk (except for hills), so I will be smart and take what the trails give me. Quote from a VT finisher from last year: “Don’t run like an idiot the first 50, and don’t run like a wimp the second 50” will be my mantra.

Q. Who will be guiding you?

Kyle: I am incredibly grateful to have six runners who are sharing their sight as guides and some of whom are driving up from Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I’m honored to have Amy Rusiecki guiding me for the first 15 miles and whose leadership, along with the race committee, made the Athletes With Disabilities division possible. A few of the guides I train with on a regular basis, a few I will meet the weekend of including my Team Nathan teammate Maggie Guterl.

Q. Do you have any advice for race directors on including an Athletes With Disabilities Awards Division at their ultra?

Kyle: Much like other divisions, runners take great pride in being able to participate in a division of their peers. The same holds true for runners with different abilities. I encourage Race Directors to reach out to local athletes and organizations that support athletes with disabilities to begin a conversation on how they can make their race inclusive and open to all runners.

A little Extra

*Note About Interviewing

*The VT100 is proud of all of the participants of our events, from the racers to volunteers to land owners who grant us access to their beautiful property to enjoy the weekend. So, we like to take time to feature some of these people and get an inside look at their perspective on the race and how they help make it thrive. If you know anyone who would make a good interviewee, please contact us in the form below and we’ll see what we can do! 

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Amazing Interview with 2017 AWD Participant Jason Romero

Amazing Interview with 2017 AWD Participant Jason Romero

As the first ultra ever to formally recognize Athletes With Disabilities in their own division, the 2017 VT100 race crew is proud to bring you this interview with upcoming AWD participant Jason Romero.

Jason Romero: His Story and the 9-question interview

Jason’s Story

Jason Romero is ultra runner from Denver who plans to toe the line in what is sure to be a historic 2017 VT100, marking a truly special moment for ultra running as a sport and athletes with disabilities everywhere.

In middle school, Jason was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, an incurable degenerative retinal disease.  The condition is characterized by night-blindness, decreased visual acuity and a consistent loss of peripheral vision.

Jason Comes to VT100 in Incredible Shape with Incredible Experience  

Jason Romero at Leadville 100
Jason at Leadville

In 2016, Jason ran across America in 59.5 days, averaging 51.5 miles per day. He is a member of the U.S. Paralympic Team, where he placed 4th in the world at the marathon in 2015. He has completed 12 runs of 100 miles or longer, including Badwater and Leadville, and a finished a solo Rim2Rim2Rim crossing of the Grand Canyon.

So, needless to say – Jason is a badass! But he’s not just in it for himself. He gives back so much to people and community, too.

When Jason is not running, he can be found volunteering at schools, service organizations, churches and youth detention centers speaking about overcoming adversity. He works as a motivational speaker specializing on business topics like teamwork, leadership, risk taking and change.

Jason is also a single father of three – Sierra, Sage and Sophia – and serves on the board of two nonprofits that help the homeless and provide mental health services.

The Interview

Q. How has your training been so far?

Training has been going well.  I’ve had a good base building spring with a couple marathons and a longer 81 mile race at Badwater Salton Sea that went well.  Since then I’ve been working on forcing my body to handle multiple 20+ mile sessions in a week.  No major injuries to speak of, so I’d say things are going well.  I’ve purposely not incorporated speed work, as all of this training and racing is leading to one race that happens at the end of September.  And that race requires Long Slow Distance (LSD) training, in my opinion.

Q. How do you train for trails while living in the city of Denver?  

When I stopped driving, I changed from being a trail runner to a predominantly road runner.  I had to get creative to simulate climbing and building leg strength.  I had heard that Marshall Ulrich trained for his run across America by dragging a tire.  So, I made a “tire drag(video content), and that’s how I build hip strength and simulate hills.  I also have a hill at a park close to my house where I will do hill repeats of an hour, and sometimes 2, if I’m feeling crazy.  I have a lot of experience running technical trails when I used to race trails like the Leadville 100 Trail Race.  I also trained on Pikes Peak and ran the Barr Trail to the top and back too many times to count.  I’m confident on my experience with foot placement and understanding how to handle scree fields, ankle biter rocks, rooted sections and culverts that drainage flow creates in trails.  That said, I expect to fall and be bloodied every time I run a trail. That’s just how it goes when you don’t see well. I’ve found that if I hold back, I get hurt worse than if I just let ‘er rip and run as hard and fast as my body will allow (regardless of what my eyes can see).

Q. Is Vermont a training run for something larger, or a recovery run from Bad Water?

Vermont is a training run in this year’s racing schedule.  As mentioned above, my A race is in September – Spartathlon.  For me, every step this year will lead to the foot of the statue of King Leonidas, the finish of the Spartathlon.  I have attempted the race for the past two years and timed out at mile 100 and 120.  This year, I hope to make it to the end – mile 153 in under 36 hours.

I’ll be pacing at Badwater the weekend before Vermont.  I’m helping the guy who is going to guide me for Spartathlon.  I expect to run 40-50 miles at Badwater, but I’m taking the night shift when it’s not so hot (100 degrees or so).

Q. We’re about four weeks away from race day. What does your training block look like for the next four weeks?  

This coming weekend I’ll run the Bryce 50 which should have similar terrain as Vermont and has a decent amount of elevation gain.  After that, I’ll be putting in a marathon every weekend, and running every day.  Usually, the week before a 100 mile race I stop running cold turkey.  No shakeout run or anything. I’m so old I like to save every step and ounce of energy for race day.

Q. What’s your A goal for Vermont?  

Finish with a smile

Q. Do you have a B and C goal?  

Finish without a smile

Q. What is your race day strategy?  

Stay relaxed and feel fresh at mile 70.  If I’m doing good at that point, I’ll fire the jets and race to the end.

Q. Do you have any advice for race directors on including an Athletes With Disabilities Awards Division at their ultra?  

This has been a dream of mine for a long time.  I have ran ultras for a long time, and I was “in the closet” as a blind person.  Only in the last few years have I come out of the closet.  It has long been a dream of mine to see the USATF and the IAU recognize records for athletes with disabilities in ultra-running events.  

Amy and VT100’s leadership in this area can go a long way toward making this a reality.  Records are made to be broken, and it will pull more people from their couches and isolation to running which combats depressive chemicals and builds community.  Life is better with running.  Challenged athletes will see that they are welcome at ultras, and believe it is normal for them to participate in the events.  The Boston Marathon was a pioneer in creating an AWD division for marathoning.  Now, there are multiple marathons, halves and shorter distance races that recognize the division.  And, I believe, as a result of these divisions we have more challenged athletes participating in these races.  I think it’s huge and inspiring for able bodied athletes to race alongside challenged athletes.  I think it’s also more eye opening for able bodied athletes to be beaten by challenged athletes (I hope to open some eyes at Vermont this year).

A little Extra

*Note About Interviewing

*The VT100 is proud of all of the participants of our events, from the racers to volunteers to land owners who grant us access to their beautiful property to enjoy the weekend. So, we like to take time to feature some of these people and get an inside look at their perspective on the race and how they help make it thrive. If you know anyone who would make a good interviewee, please contact us in the form below and we’ll see what we can do! 

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